Monday, April 11, 2011

Trying to be Healthy for the family & of course the dog to!

As many of you know I’ve been going to the gym every day and trying to eat better. I found an AMAZING site that has some great weight watcher meals that are easy to make. Go check out Skinny Taste for lot’s to choose from and you can even sort by points!

First we start with one of MY FAVORITES these meatballs were so tasty and I had to watch it so I didn’t eat them all! Asian Turkey Meatballs with Lime Sesame Sauce.


Asian Turkey Meatballs With Lime Sesame Sauce

<p>These meatballs were so freaking yummy! I didn&#8217;t put the sauce as a dipping sauce I just baked them in the sauce and it perfect!</p>

See Asian Turkey Meatballs With Lime Sesame Sauce on Key Ingredient.

And a taste and great way to get kids to eat greens Smile. Baked Zucchini Sticks.


Baked Zucchini Sticks

<p>These were very yummy and something the little ones would even enjoy. A great way to get greens in :).</p>

See Baked Zucchini Sticks on Key Ingredient.

And something taste and healthy for the doggy. My all time favorite place for dog recipes is Doggy Dessert Chef. She posted this Peanut Cinnamon Roll, that Jake actually will run to his cage just to get one!


Peanut Cinnamon Rolls (Dog Biscuit)

<p>My pup loved these, and they smelled so good cooking I almost wanted to bite right into one!</p>

See Peanut Cinnamon Rolls (Dog Biscuit) on Key Ingredient.

I'm linking up to: Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesday,Tuesday at the Table, Delectable Tuesday, Delicious Dishes, Totally Tasty Tuesday,Hearth and Soul and Thursday Recipe Swap Meet.


  1. I am going over to check out the recipe site...sounds exactly what I need to get me back on track. I didn't feel very good today so didn't eat too many points! I had to experiment with a recipe tonight and make my turned out okay. I will be posting in later in the week.

    I love that you make your dog bisquits...our poor old dog only gets treats at!

  2. OOOh the doggy cinnamon rolls how cute are they. You are such a great mama!

  3. Hi, I am stopping over and following on the Tuesday blog hop, the Zuccini strips caught my eye because I always grow way more than we will ever use and we never know what to do with it after awhile. These look really yummy!! Thanks so much for sharing this mornng, now I am looking forward to summer more than ever! Hope you are having a nice week. :)

  4. The dog is eating well girl!

    Hey go to and you can chart your weight and food for losing some poundage! I just signed up, so look for me, my trainer Brian told me about it...

  5. I'm seriously worried about myself. Here I am envious of a dog:)

  6. I love zucchini sticks. With the amount of zucchini we grow in the summer, it is a great way to eat it! Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I"m your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts. ~ Ellen

  7. The meatballs sound awesome! I tried baked zucchini sticks last summer, but it was not a hit with the kids or the husband :-/ I liked them okay though! :-) (I'm pretty sure it's close to the same recipe.)

  8. I'll be heading over to that site. I'm (reluctantly) back on the healthy wagon, too. Sigh.

  9. Shut up! I'm going home to cook for Gus tonight!

  10. The zucchini strips sound really good. I am a vegetarian but I keep thinking of ways I can adapt all these wonderful recipes into vegetarian versions. Like those meatball dippers.

  11. Thanks for signing up with us today. Doesn't look like many people like to follow recipes today, does it? Oh well, I want to thank you for joining us today, and I love this website you have with all the recipes. I even added my NaNa's soup to it. ~hehe~ (I love that stuff). I love the breaded zucchini recipe. Woo hoo I finally have a recipe for that. It's almost the same as breaded eggplant too. Have a great day & hope to see you next week too. Thanks!

  12. The meatballs sound lovely, and I am a big fan of zucchini sticks but I have always had them fried - what a great idea to bake them! Thank you for sharing with the Hearth and Soul Blog Hop.

  13. Thanks for linking up with us, you are a great friend.
    Those meatballs look really good, though I'm not really sure of the cilantro - it has an odd taste to me in some things.
    And how sweet of you to make those treats for Jake, they look good enough for me to eat. You know I taste all of the doggies treats before I give it to them. Call me weird. TeeHee

  14. Jake is so lucky! I must try those zucchini sticks, if I ever get off my butt and actually do something that is!!!


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