Monday, May 16, 2011

I’m Bringing Pumpkin Back … Oh yeah & it’s sexy (oh yeah I went there)

Manic Monday Meals-1Hehe ok So I just had to Bring Sexy back … Ok I’m done it’s been one of those weekends and I’m a little loopy so bare with me Smile.

So I was in need to make dog biscuits and came across one with pumpkin and unless I wanted to make a quadruple batch I need to find another recipe to use the rest of the pumpkin. So I found a treat for us and for the pup!

I made these Peanut Butter Pumpkin Dog treats that Jake just LOVES.


Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treats

<p>Two of my pups favorite flavors are PB &#38; Pumpkin, these were a huge hit :)</p>

See Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treats on Key Ingredient.

And for the left over pumpkin I found this yummy recipe at my favorite website Skinny Taste for this Pumpkin Banana Bread.


Pumpkin Banana Bread (WW 4 pts)

<p>Looking for a yummy treat that is low in calories.</p>

See Pumpkin Banana Bread (WW 4 pts) on Key Ingredient.

Happy Monday everyone I hope you and your pup enjoy these treats!

Make sure to check out my friend Amy and her meme Round Robin. And of course my Girls Dolly & Lorie for Thursday Recipe Swap.

Round Robin button


  1. yum yum :) we love all sorts of pumpkin goodies in our house lol its great to throw in braises and stews in the winter time n who doesnt luv a good bowl of thai style pumpkin soup or just roasted pumpkin soup for that matter! That bread sounds delish!

  2. Too funny--- I was cleaning out the freezer last week and came across some pumpkin I froze from the fall and thought, I need to make something with this, craving pumpkin. We have no pets, so no biscuits here but I might have to try the pumpkin banana bread. I just came across Skinnytaste a few weeks ago and restarted with Weight Watchers- how fun.

  3. I love pumpkin bread! pumpkin pie pumpkin cake, pumpkin soup....where was i? oh yes I love pumpkin! Blessings, Joanne

  4. Already getting ready for fall, aren't ya? Pumpkin is good all year round!

  5. I love pumpkin anytime of the year! Especially the bread :)

  6. they do sound amazing.. Have a great day.. love all of this yummy food. I know my dogs would love the treats..

  7. Yummy stuff. I love pumpkin but don't seem to think about it this time of year.

  8. Mmmmm, I LOVE pumpkin!

    Just kidding, I actually think these two look pretty good. My puppies like pumpkin treats, and a couple of them like PB.
    I LOVE banana bread and I think the pumpkin will make it really moist!
    I actually sent this over to Bill and asked him to print them out for me. =)

  10. Pumpkin bread? NUMMMMMMMMMERS! Sounds delicious! Thanks for playing along and sharing.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!