Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It was a whirl wind weekend (Ups and a Big Down)

Most of you know by now how our weekend ended up but before then we did have some fun times!

We had fun w/Caden’s Birthday Playdough set. The colors will never be just one color but hey they last one time .. lol

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VBS we visited last week had a family night and the kids had a fun time singing and dancing.

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Saturday I took the boys to a friends house for a bon fire and fun times!

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Sunday we went to our Tuesday Dinner friends house for some fun times!  Yes that is Caden putting on a Concert he had a great song to go along with guitar playing … hehe Smile

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Update on Swim class, the teachers we usually have left for the summer to work a pool that is outdoors (can’t blame them).  So the teachers we have now are nice but new to this and let’s just say I’ve had to speak up a few times.  Sadly now I have to STAND next to the pool by Cole’s class which seems to make his teacher actually pay attention to him and give him things to do! UGH, I think we’ll take next month off and wait until the other teachers return.

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So for the Bon Fire I made Bon Fire themed jello shots.  SADLY I tried to make them the day of and it turned to mush almost soup.  And as many of you know I hate to loose … lol.  So I made a second batch and that batched turned out perfect! This recipe was from Super Bowl Jello Shots that I changed the colors around in. Make sure you check out that website it really is the coolest site!


Bon Fire Jello Shots

<p>I found this recipe for &#8220;Team Colors&#8221; used for the Super Bowl. I was going to a bon fire party so I thought I&#8217;d use fire colors. <span class="caps">NOW</span> my first batch was orange, red &#38; yellow but I learned a very ...

See Bon Fire Jello Shots on Key Ingredient.

So this week has been on a roller coaster I want to jump off of Smile.  Rick is doing better he was in ICU on the ventilator for the one night and is now moved to a normal wing.  We’re hoping he can come home today but I bet they will say the next day.  Thank you again for all your kind words and prayers you all mean the world to me.  And have helped me from spinning out of control.


  1. Just pour the jello mix into one big huge mixing bowl and when done ....have at it...after the week you've had I'd sit there with a huge spoon! Hope Rick feels better soon.
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. I am glad Rick is doing better. We are sending all the positive thoughts we can that he is home soon

  3. I would have a hard time paying for those swim classes under those circumstances. Not cool!

    The bonfire evening looked like so much fun!

  4. Fun pictures!

    I hope that he gets out today!

  5. You did so much. Looks like the boys had a good time. Glad to hear that Rick is doing better. Keep me posted!

  6. I am happy to read that Rick is doing better.

    As for the jello, slice a banana in it and let it set up. With all of the colors mixed it will probably be brown but I am sure it will taste good.

  7. Those jello shots are pretty! You are always so busy, hope Rick gets to come home. Thinking of all of you.

  8. I am so sorry how the swim class is turning out. Hopefully things get better when you return.

    Sounds like Rick is doing much better. Did he get to come home today? I hope so.

    I haven't sat around a bonfire in ages. I would love to fix some s'mores or just some marshmallows. Yum

  9. Hi Alexis!

    Here is a link that uses about the same technique I use. The idea is to roll your clothes instead of folding flat.

  10. You've been making some cool looking Jello shots. If I ever get extra time, I'm going to try to make some from your recipes.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!