Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Treats for others

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July.  It was a bummer it was on a Monday which means yes you get Monday off but have to work Tuesday.  Let’s just say not a lot of sleep when your neighbors are trying to blow up the town.  Very little sleep for this mama so a quick post of yummies Smile.

My amazing friend Nichol posted a link with the top 10 popsicles (click her name to go to the post).  These Rainbow Pudding Pops were so easy to do and very cool for the kids!  I did it the easy way and instead of separating into different bowls I just did 6 puddings and did one color per bowl then poured cleaned the bowl and made the next color.  I’m all about making it easy Smile.  NOW next year I think I’ll do red, white and blue for the 4th of July.  I know isn’t that a cool idea.  Yup those ideas always come to me too late … lol.  Now let’s hope I remember next year!


Rainbow Pudding Pops!

<p>I love making popsicles for the boys and this was a fun and easy one. I picked up all the ingredients for under $4 and made about 15 pops.</p>

See Rainbow Pudding Pops! on Key Ingredient.

For the different holidays I like to make a special treat for my boss and my secret sister at church.  I made this Marshmallow Muffin Mix in a Jar for both of them.  I found these marshmallows colored for the 4th and just had to find a recipe to make Smile.


Marshmallow Muffins (Gift Mix in a Jar)

<p>Another gift jar that is so easy to put together. I used the new marshmallow&#8217;s that were red/white/blue in shapes of stars for the 4th of July.</p>

See Marshmallow Muffins (Gift Mix in a Jar) on Key Ingredient.

And I made a 2nd jar to send off to my boss.  These Cowboy Cookie Mix in a jar I think was a classic yummy cookie!  I made the label with a stack of oatmeal cookies translucent behind the recipe.


Cowboy Cookie Mix in a Jar

<p>Another quick and easy gift in a jar that will put a smile on your receivers face.</p>

See Cowboy Cookie Mix in a Jar on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday everyone, I hope your day goes well.  All I know is I’m going to be drinking a lot of coffee!  BAD day to be out of K-cups for my coffee maker!  Guess I’ll be using the French press today!

Make sure to stop by and see some more recipes at Thursday Recipe Swap Meet.


  1. I cannot find your e-mail address if you contact me at xmasdolly at comcast dot net - I will tell you what you've won & I need your shipping info. CONGRATS!

  2. I made your pops this weekend, I did red white and blue. Khilee loved them, but Caleb wasn't a fan but only because I used banana pudding. I also made the Fancy Lime Jello Shots from your birthday post. They were a huge hit!!! The melon baller did not work so well like we discussed, but I bet a grapefruit spoon would make it less frustrating! Love your ideas, thanks Lex!

  3. I love those jars! what a thoughtful gift...and yummy too!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. Thanks for the linky love girl. Your popsicles turned out wonderful. I love treats in jars, they are fun to make. Hope you had a great weekend:)

  5. You are SO creative!! I love it! I spent the 4th painting my bathroom. I'll have pics up soon on the blog :O) It's a lovely deep PURPLE! haaaa!

    You KNOW I had to do some redecorating and it def has to have some girl bling in it!

  6. LOVE the rainbow pudding pops!!! can't wait to make them for my kids too!

  7. Not to bad of a Monday since I woked last night and didnt have to hear all the boom booms go off.. LOL. Wish I would have been at home though..

  8. Yes I agree the most creative blog in the universe xx

  9. I love that jar idea.. I have to get with you when it comes time for Christmas gifts for the teachers to make something like this. Cute idea to take next year to a fourth of July party..

  10. This is a keeper. I love gifts in a jar but have never made any. Thank you for posting them. Those pops look pretty good too! For some reason Mark's company gave them Tuesday off too.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!