Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I think it’s a Cobbler Day!

A quick post today, due to Hurricane Rick was home yesterday.  Love the man but when he’s home he goes crazy and when he goes crazy that means he wants everything clean.  He doesn’t understand why the house can’t stay clean and why I can’t get it all done.  So he went on a clean spree of the boys room.  Yes the nightmare I would call their room, was tore apart and cleaned top to bottom.  I’m now thinking 2 boys one room may not be the best idea I’ve ever had.  So let’s just say I got sucked into having to clean and do all the laundry.  Don’t get Rick started on why I can’t pull the laundry out of the drying and just put it away (you know in between work, kids and cooking … darn need to put that Super mom cape back on).  Yup all my job … lol.

Well enough about that, how about something sweet to lighten the mood. Well at least it’s something yummy to eat.  I whipped up this Easy Peach Cobbler with some peaches my friend canned.


Easy Peach Cobbler

<p>A quick and easy dessert that is sure to please</p>

See Easy Peach Cobbler on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday everyone, enjoy your good eats!  What’s on the meal plan for tonight?

Make sure to stop by Thursdays Recipe Swap.


  1. oooh!
    wish i had some NOW!!
    other day my mom made blueberry cobbler... and it was goooooood!!

  2. Go away for a few days. Let him see how "easy" it is.

  3. I love cobblers they are perfect with ice cream of course:)

  4. I love peach cobbler. I made some just last week. Delicious!

  5. Thank you for another great recipe!
    I know, I always say that.
    But, I love the recipes you share.

    Tonight's supper?

    We are on breakfast for supper week so tonite we are having French Toast with sausage links.

  6. The cobbler looks delicious. Sorry that Rick pushes you so hard but I bet it feels good to have it all done!

  7. I hear ya sista! When my Husband is off he starts to nit pick everything. It drives me coo coo! Its like as soon as he starts complaining I know that whatever I was working on is going to have to stop because now I feel like it has to get done or else he'll try to do it and he completely ends up breaking something in the process. The last casualty was my tinkerbell salt and pepper shaker! Its a sad day when a grown woman can't keep her disney stuff from breaking! :O)
    Blessings, Joanne

  8. YUM!

    I've decided to just try to get rid of most of the toys. They don't play with the majority of them anyways. That outta clean the place up, right???? Just in time for the deluge of Christmas!! :)

  9. *gasp* I love cobbler!!! Sadly I suck at baking. I'm on my way over to your house, save me some!

  10. I just love cobblers! I could eat that crust by itself actually!

  11. Nom nom NOM! I love cobblers, last week I made my first pear cobbler from fresh pears from our tree. It was delish!

  12. I love cobblers....this is for sure one recipe that I need to try....yummy

    Stopping by from Xmas Dolly

  13. Thanks so much for the shout out and for joining our linky. This looks really good, I may make it and substitute blueberries or cherries because they are my favorite. MMMM!
    Tell Rick if he thinks working, cleaning and doing the laundry are so easy all the time... let him do it! =P


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!