Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Time Stir Crazy


This has been one heck of a summer here in the PNW.  We’ve had a lot of rain and now we’re getting some hot days.  The boys were going stir crazy on rainy days and now it’s fun in the sun.  I’m thankful our neighborhood this summer has kids to play with.  But now you get to were the problem comes in.  Little Caden is my early riser (like his mama) he has now gotten in the habit of dressing himself (see pic to the left on one of the hottest days this is what he put on). Now this is of course after I have to send him back to him room that he has to wait until 9am to knock on someone’s door. 6am to 8am is NOT ok to bug people. He will walk across the street to play with the neighbor’s little boy (I of course watch him walk across).  Caden and the neighbor boy (who is around the same age) play great together.  That is until Cole my late sleeper (like his daddy) get’s up.  Then this is when the screaming and fights start.  Oh boy I’m telling you 3 play together is not a good thing, 2 is great but when you have 3 there is always an odd man out. 

Cole sadly is the only one in his age group so he doesn’t really fit in with the big boys and he doesn’t fit so well with the young boys.  So this causes a lovely day for me and my friend Kristen (the other mom).  We end up playing referee along with Judge and Jury.   And yes it is mostly Cole who is the troublemaker … boy wants to fit in and can be such a turd.  Next summer I may just have to pay for him to go somewhere the whole summer … UGH.  The hurt in my wallet may be worth the pain of the daily drama here.

For now I think I’ll sit back at night with a glass of wine (or two if it is a really bad day) and next week will go fast so we can go back to school and the routine of the little one playing during the day!

Cheers to you!



  1. poor little guy!
    hope you have a fabulous wkend!!

  2. I go through this every single day with Zoe. Gav gets irritated with her because she wants to d everything with him, and I mean everything. Poor youngsters. Have a drink for me mama:)

  3. So sorry, that is a tough situation. Enjoy your wine!

  4. One of my sisters was 5 years older than me, the other 12 years older. So I was left out a lot. Never mind my brother who is 10 years older.
    That is a tough situation to be in.

  5. You are so right! Three is not a great number when on a playdate! My son is always the one left out and it kills me! I feel so sorry for him. Sept. should bring some relief in this area....if it doesn't the wine industry is going to have a great boost in sales on their hands!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. That is a big glass of wine.

    Eli gets left out quite a bit too, I always feel so bad!

  7. We've been having same weather.....started with cold and lots of rain and now we are frying like bugs....Between my two sons and my two nephews I am getting boy crazy as well. I think I need a glass of that wine as well,lol

  8. Right now we have playdates of two all the time…I hate when kids are left out.

  9. I can guess I can see where a nightly glass of wine would be very welcome sometimes. Too bad he's in a mismatched age range of kids!

  10. 3 is hard!

    Hope it gets better soon! :)

  11. I remember those days with the little boy next door when my kids were growing up. Only Alex was the odd man out, now Alex and Andrew (the kid next door) are good friends and Nik is the odd man out. Things change.
    Also, can I just say that although Caden must have been hot in his outfit, he looks totally adorably! Love him. =)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!