Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Weekend we had nothing Planned! ***GASP***

We had no parties planned for this weekend so what is this crazy mom to do?  Well of course shove it full of other things!

After I worked I made some lunch and got the kids in the car and headed off to the zoo (got to love being a member).

Now our day started out fine, but oh just wait!  I let the kids play and explore a while.

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Cole played on the water lilly pads, we said hi to the goats (mom forgot the change to buy the food for the goats, sorry dudes) and hit the other side of the playground.

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The boys were hungry so we found a spot on the grass and pulled out the sandwiches I made.  If you like these containers (they rock by the way) go to Easy Lunchboxes.com. I did a review/giveaway a while back and I love these containers (yes a quick plug because hello love them).  We then hit the touch and feel part of the zoo and did a little drawing.

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The baby leopard cubs were out and visiting so it was a special day at the zoo.  We first made our own tails, did an obstacle course and even dressed up like zoo keepers!

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Then to visit the cubs, try out our tails and head over to feed the budgies.

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NOW YOU MAY BE WONDERING WHY THE ZOO PICTURES STOP HERE.  We made it next to the Polar Bears .. this is where I became momzilla, the granola MOM’s decided that they were better parents then me and needed to comment.  We went into the polar bear exhibit both kids and shoes … YES I SAID SHOES!!!  This is the when we were walking out to find me turn around and see Cole with (get this) ONE SHOE!!!  At first I calmly ask “What happen to your shoe, go get it”. Thinking it just fell off, after searching and searching AND NO SHOE! Finally I lost my cool and my voice went to the annoying Fran Drescher level and screaming “WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR SHOE”.  Cole finally said well I kicked and the shoe went into the Polar Bear Exhibit!!  Yes in the exhibit which means I could NOT get the shoe.  This is the point I start dragging both boys behind me (MIND YOU COLE WITH ONE SHOE … Thank GOD he was wearing socks).  Watch out PISSY overweight mom dragging kids may get some nasty looks and comments.  That is when my grumbling went from under my breath to outwards warning people “REALLY … HOW WOULD YOU ACT IN MY SHOES (OR in Cole’s case in his SHOE)”.  Hehe Yes now I can laugh but at that moment no laughing.  And YES I broke down and let him wear his NEW SCHOOL shoe to the zoo.  SO if you head to the Point Defiance Zoo and see the Polar Bears playing with a White DC shoe just smile and think of me!

Because I need more punishment I decided to take the boys and the our neighbor’s son to my parents house to play.  But this time it was good everyone played rather nice and we enjoyed a lovely BBQ time also.

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Then Sunday after church they had a baby shower for the youth pastor’s wife.  They had a jungle theme so I ran out and whipped up this Jungle themed diaper cake real quick.  Thankfully it was kid friendly so the kids came along.  They did well that was except when everyone was doing blessings but kids in quiet room for 20 min can be a long time. Smile And no I didn’t make those cupcakes but you bet it I will be making them for Cole’s class this year!

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And there you have it a fun some tears (mostly from me) but it was fun and now I can laugh over it Smile.


  1. Wow! sounds like a very interesting day at the zoo. I thought the polar bears were behind glass...can you see them in open air now or did he just kick it that far?

  2. yep!
    very interesting... lol
    but.. i LOVE the zoo, one of my favorite places to go!!

  3. In spite of the shoe saga - which can I just say sounds like something that would happen in my classroom on a field trip - your zoo looks amazing. Love the play area!

  4. Shoes are expensive so I would not have been happy either! I'm certain a polar bear did enjoy that happy snack treat though.

    The diaper cake looks fantastic! You're awesome.

  5. Now that is classic! I can't believe his shoe went INTO the exhibit!!!

    I love those cupcakes! And the diaper cake...have a tutorial? I would love to make one! :)

  6. You just don't like to sit at home, do you? Sounds like fun times except for that shoe!

  7. I bet the polar bears are sure happy with their new toy! :)

  8. Oh my word. I see kid jumping into polar bear exhibit...just kidding mama. Ahh kids gotta love them. That diaper cake is adorable I really want to learn how to make them.

  9. It's been years since we've been to the zoo.
    I do miss when my boys were younger and all the fun we had.
    Now they are older and want to do their own things.

    I remember when one of our sons was much younger, still riding in a carseat, and they threw one of their new shoes out the window. I'm talking purposely pulled it off their feet, threw it out the window and said shoe, shoe. We were riding along at 60mph on a long stretch of road. So needless to say we had to buy more new shoes.

  10. What are the chances he'd kick his shoe and it'd fly into the bear exhibit...it does sound comical, though I'm sure I would have been upset at the time too :-/ Kinda reminds me of me losing a bracelet a couple years ago...just happened to fall off right as I was walking off an elevator and fell down the slit into the elevator shaft!! :-)

    You sure kept busy for it being a slow weekend! :-)

  11. For a weekend with nothing to do, you sure as heck were busy.
    What a great day the boys seemed to have at the zoo, until the lost shoe fiasco. You poor thing... and poor Cole.
    I can't believe you "whipped up" that diaper cake in such a short time, you are so talented. You are definitely Super Mom, I bet you had your cape on! =)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!