Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chicken Chicken Dinner!

Ok if you are like my husband you may cringle at oh yeah chicken again! LOL … I really do try hard to switch it up so we don’t have the same meal each night but Rick still is not a huge chicken fan.  BUT I did find this recipe that had a Mexican feel to it, and we all know how much he love’s his Mexican food.  Sadly he did end up working that night about 3 hours over his shift so he had to re-heat it but it did taste yummy to me and the boys!


Cream Cheese Crockpot Chicken (WW 7pts)

<p>This was a simple and easy way to have a chicken dinner. I served white brown rice (More points for that)</p>

See Cream Cheese Crockpot Chicken (WW 7pts) on Key Ingredient.

Well it’s Tuesday that means we’re almost half way there right?  hehe  Anything special on the menu tonight?


  1. That looks delicious, and I really love crockpot cooking!

  2. oh stinkin' yum!!
    this looks GREAT.. i'll def give this one a whirl!!!

  3. So easy I love that . It looks great I will add it to the menu :)

  4. I am sorry but this one looks like something the cat haucked up

  5. And it's a crockpot meal woohoo.

  6. That looks easy enough. Love it!
    Blessings, Joanne

  7. Looks yummy.... but everything you make usually does.

  8. It looks so good. I will have to try this one! Thank you.


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