Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weekend with the Fair and a Pooped Mom!

Friday after work I rushed to pick up Cole and then started to head to Puyallup.  Only to get a call from my parents that my mom isn’t home yet so it would be a little bit until they get there.  No worries I found STREET parking (yup no paid parking … yeah). It was about 6 blocks from the fair so we stopped at Safeway picked up some snacks along with grapes for the kids. 

We then meet up with my parents and headed to the fair.  NOW I don’t usually use strollers for the boys since they are older but it helps when we’re here for 5 hours plus my knee was acting up and as many of you know my dad had back surgery this Tuesday so the Friday before he was having problems walking so it helped him too.

Caden is not much for anything fast or goes up and down so he sticks to slow rides.  Our first stop was the carousel with Monnie, yup won’t even go on the horses … lol.  We of course had to see the fire trucks.

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Next went to have the boys caricatures done, mom wanted to have them framed.  I know what a cool idea Smile.  Then we stopped at the tattoo’s … yes airbrushed! Cole had a dragon and Caden a shark.

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Then Cole and mom headed out for the bigger rides so Caden and I hit the Sillyville smaller rides.  Caden did the peaceful boat ride, me & him road the train, then we went to the cars and of course the dump truck.  Then we hit the airplanes all was good until they went up and down … YIKES oh poor thing cried and cried.  Got him calmed down and we hit motorcycles and all was good.  Both boys did the Jungle gym.

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I didn’t get many pictures of Cole on rides since him and mom went off on their own.  They both loved the spinning ride and doing the slide.  Even a smaller roller coaster he talked Caden to go on with, which had to be stopped early so Caden can get off … lol.   So we only did the crusty pups, free parking and dad spent $80 for rides … YIKES.

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Saturday had work off from his regular job to work his 2nd job (of the 3 jobs) so I took my chance and ran to get my toes done!!!  Quiet time, a good cup of coffee and time to read.


I picked up a kit from Lowe’s and let the boys do it with Rick at home.  it was so much fun and yeah we have firetrucks that make noises … lol.

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I had birdhouse’s left over from a previous kid’s day so the boys made those also. Hehe Rick got a taste of putting this together as one person and two kid ratio!

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Yes I had ONE more kit to make and the lady was so sweet she gave me 2 extra’s so we waited for or Tuesday dinner friends to come over and even had one extra for the neighbor’s son to make them too!  The Goofy Golf kit was a hit!

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So there you have it a busy but slow weekend … lol.  I was pooped after Friday’s Fair day so we didn’t do much which made the boys jump off the walls.

On a side note Dad had Surgery on Tuesday, he is currently in recovery.  I will hope to have more information soon. Thanks again for all the prayers and thoughts!


  1. Sounds like a fun time! It's always nice to have a day or two to lounge-doing fun things, but just taking it easy. :)

  2. Again, I am so glad your Dad is okay :)

    Fun weekend for sure...
    love those flip flops and toes...

    have a great day!!!!!!

  3. sounds way fun!
    and your pedi looks beautiful.. love that shade of red!!!

  4. How fantastically action packed! What a great time at the fair. Your Mom is Game!!! Brave lady! Best wishes to your Dad I hope he has a speedy recovery. Well done for getting a little bit of 'Me' time and getting beautiful toenails :) x

  5. Sounds like lots of fun to me. I need a pedi, maybe I will splurge this weekend.

  6. I love the format of your pictures you can post alot in a little space. I've got to learn how to do that! My daughter hated fast, high rides too when she was little. Now she gets on roller coasters , cries when she's on one...then wants to go again!
    Blessings, Joanne

  7. Wow what a busy weekend! Jake loved the dump truck ride too. Hope your dad is doing well. :)

  8. Looks like some fun times. Love all the pictures. The fair looked like fun. Love all those projects the boys made and your toes are so pretty.

  9. Your dad is in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Looks like everyone had a good time at the fair. I've never had a professional pedicure. May just have to get one soon.

  10. Hope all is well today with your Dad and Family.. I hope you are enjoying those sexy toes..

  11. I hope your dad is doing well! :-)

    What fun Lowe's projects...we haven't been there in a LONG time now...I should look into going again soon :-)

    That fair looks like a blast! We don't have nearly the number of rides and fun things like that at ours! Definitely a fun experience for your little guys! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!