Wednesday, October 26, 2011

123 … TKO She is down for the count …


Last few weeks have been very busy with work we had 2 back to back events and we added on some new publications so my calls went from the normal to about 3x times the normal then my confirmation calls of brunch on top of it.  So let’s just say my days were packed and evenings packed with making sure the data was all in the right spots and updated for the next morning.  Well I’ve been kind of burning the candle at both ends and it has finally caught up to me.  I’m SICK … UGH.  Now I usually will work threw loosing my voice which I do at least once a month (doing 65+ calls a day takes a toll on my voice). But when I woke up Wednesday am I took one step out of bed and knew it wasn’t right.  I felt light headed and dizzy and then I slimertried to speak to find a substance like Slimer from the Ghost Buster movie had climbed down there.  (ok if you don’t know what I’m talking about you seriously have missed an cult classic movie. 

Needless to say I had to call in or my like email in that I needed to take the day off.  Well being me I said I would take the morning off, but when I couldn’t make it off the couch (well after I moved Caden and found out he was not the only weight hold me down … AND no I’m not talking about my BMI but that may also have to do with it). I had to email in again I was taking the day off.  It’s really hard for me to justify taking time off.  When you work from home, can go to work in PJ’s, slipper and not brushing your hair who can complain.  So it takes the Mac truck that backed over me 30+ times to keep me down.

So there you have it gooeyness and all, I’m out for the count. I’m dizzy just sitting here typing this.  Back to bed I go, hopefully be back soon!

Thank you Google Images for the pictures.


  1. I hope you feel better very soon.
    Cyber chicken soup winging its way to you!

  2. Poor sweetie. I sure hop you are feeling much better and you went to the doctor- germ slime is nothing to fool around with. You have my love & prayers. Hope you feel Breyer soon.

  3. Natures way of telling you to take it easy! Look after yourself and get well soon :) x

  4. Oh Nooooo. :-( Poor girly. Feel better soon!!!!

  5. Awww sending you lots of get well wishes! You need rest and lots of it!
    Feel better.
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. I am so sorry your not feeling well. I think you need to slow down a little bit. You do more then any person I know. You don't need to prove anything to anyone.
    If they don't know how awesome you are well that's their problem. I know you have to do your job but stay home more often and relax when you have down time. You know I love you and care about you.

  7. i sooo agree with debby!
    but i truly do hope you get to feeling better soon.. i'll be thinking of you!

  8. No fun! I hope you feel better soon :-)

  9. If you work from home and call in sick, I know you're really feeling badly. I'm so sorry, and I hope you fight this thing off super quickly!

  10. Oh no I hope you feel better soon. Hugs mama.


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