Thursday, October 6, 2011

Courageous Movie Review


As man of you read I went to the movies with my woman’s group from church.  I have never seen Fireproof and many of you mentioned that the acting was bad.  So I went in to this movie knowing it was a lower budget and the acting would not be the best.  I must say it was NOT A list movie acting (Like Brad Pitt) but more like Lifetime movie acting.  If you go in expecting this then you can concentrate more on the movie then the acting.

I found a little more about the movie, it was made by Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia.  They have made a few movies: Fireproof, Flywheel & Facing the Giants.  So when you see this movie know that it is made from a church that has also turned into a movie studio.  The movie WASN’T bad at all but you must go in knowing that it won’t be flawless.  The movie ran well and you can tell they have learned from the 3 previous movies and are getting to be very good at making movies.

We got to the movie early but part of group was 10 minutes late which lead to us getting the FRONT row of the theater, so my neck hurt & I had a hard time getting everything going on.  The movie had some great moments of ups and downs.  You would cry then laugh so hard your face hurt and go back to crying.  It was a touching movie about being a better father.  I as a mom thought it even applied to mom’s about being better!  Not just doing things good enough for your family, being the best you can be.  It is a religious movie but I think it is a great family movie for all to see. 

Rick who is not a big go to church kind of person has AGREED to go with me tonight to go see if.  I’m so excited I think it will be a good movie for him to gather from plus it about police officers and he will love that!  I’m so excite the great turn out for this movie and I hope more theaters will bring great movies like this to us.

I like that the movie showed real people in real life that they screw up, that even the best Christian’s can make mistakes and we’re all not perfect.  I’m far from it and am trying each day with my kids, my family and my work.

This movie is a MUST see I would say not for young children but older and us adults who need a kind little push reminder about the things in life we need to make better!  Go in knowing the acting and you’ll be able to appreciate this movie!

Enjoy, I know this will be one that I buy (which for you who know me know I’m not a buy a movie, watch more then once for me.  I’ll buy for the boys but I don’t like to watch things more then once … unless it’s something that touches me).

The above is my true opinion.  I was not paid for this review, I paid for my tickets and even the popcorn with a drink!


  1. Ok, so I'm glad you said that about the weak acting. That being said, I will see it, but not in the theater. Thank you for the great review.

  2. Thank you for the review. I hope to go and see it. I will try to get Mark to go too but I just don't know if he will!!! Glad your going to see it again with Rick.

  3. I do want to see this one but who knows when.. Have a great day..


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!