Monday, October 31, 2011

More Halloween Treats

My last bit of halloween treats are done, sadly I didn’t get the moon pies done for Cole’s class.  This darn cold really is kicking my butt!
I did get some Pumpkin Spice Cookies w/ Cinnamon Frosting done.  I also took some of the batter to make pumpkins that I put on a stick.


Pumpkin Spice Cookies w/ Cinnamon Frosting

<p>An easy cookie to make using Betty Crocker&#8217;s Pumpkin Spice Cookie Mix.</p>

See Pumpkin Spice Cookies w/ Cinnamon Frosting on Key Ingredient.

And to be fun I made some chocolate spiders that were too cute.  The photo that I copied from had candy eye’s but I couldn’t find for the life of me so I used red hots Smile.


Chocolate Spiders

Macaroons, Chocolate, Spiders, Halloween, Dessert

See Chocolate Spiders on Key Ingredient.

So there you have it lot’s of treats to do, hope you found one you liked.  So what did you make this Halloween?  What are you going to be?  How about the kids?


  1. Two great recipes. Thank you.
    Now can you rest for awhile?

  2. does buying a pumpkin cake count?....... damn it I forgot to buy the cake!
    Blessings, Joanne

  3. You rock. Those treats all look so yummy!!!!
    I'm feel'n your pain girly...head cold. urg.
    Heading out tonight to beg for candy as a biker chick with a bat, a vampire and a skeleton. Let's hope we all feeol better soon!
    Happy Halloween!

  4. delicious looking treats, my youngest has just finished 'Trick or Treating' he has taken stock of his goodies...lots of sweeties...he must have a good brush of his teeth before bed. He wore a skeleton mask but complained because it had a 'stink'. A Stinky Skeleton :)

  5. You are so clever. The treats look delicious!

  6. these are so yummy.. Sorry I have not been by.. I am now back Poser.. Have a great day..


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!