Monday, October 3, 2011

Small little Portions …

I made the best little meatloaf cupcakes and zucchini bread cupcakes both were hits here and the cupcakes again got rave reviews at the women’s group with request for the recipe!  Got to love that!!

First off are the Mini Cheesy Meatloaves were so amazing with a little cheesy surprise!


Mini Cheesy Meatloaves (WW 4pts)

<p>A perfect portion sized dinner with a surprise in the middle.</p>

See Mini Cheesy Meatloaves (WW 4pts) on Key Ingredient.

And for the Amazing zucchini bread I made bread and cupcakes.  And does it EVER live up to it’s name!!!  It was packed with flavor, now the dough isn’t the prettiest but man I will be making this from now on.  It was a perfect balance of zucchini, pumpkin and craisins.


Amazing Zucchini Bread (WW 2pts)

<p>I made a double batch one for bread and the other I made into cupcakes.</p>

See Amazing Zucchini Bread (WW 2pts) on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!  I’m starting to feel a bit better but my tummy is still revolting against me … ugh.  Thank you for all your prayers the Monday regular babysitter was back.  The boys did so MUCH better not a bunch of noise, the teacher was up playing with them.  I’m so glad I don’t have to hid under a rock again … Tomorrow I’ll explain what happened again with a babysitter .. lol.


  1. Yummy as always.. Oh Babysitters are a fun thing.. I was one and I did pretty good. I know I could have fun and handle your boys..

  2. I have copied the recipe for the mini meat loaves. This would be an easy thing to freeze, two in a bag. Thank you!

    I love reading your posts. Takes me back to the days when I was working a full time job with 2 small children, and yet I found time to cook and clean and grow old along the way.

  3. I'm glad you are better.
    You're not pregnant, are you?

  4. I didn't know you weren't feeling well! Must have missed a post. I'm glad you feel better now!

    I definitely have to try the zucchini bread and the little meatloaf look awesome too!

  5. Recipes look lovely I will definitely have a go, I have some courgettes struggling in the Garden...I have never made Zucchini bread. I can't wait to hear about the babysitter fiasco...I much prefer spirited kids! Far more fun than the well behaved ones. I have been teaching kids with behaviour problems for twelve years...I can 'Outcrazy' the 'crazies' :)

  6. I'm loving those mini meatloaves. YuMMERS! Since they are mini that also means no cals right right?

    please lie to me

    Blessings, Joanne

  7. Glad to hear you are feeling better. The food looks divine as always!

  8. I think that's a great idea and you could freeze the leftovers for quick meal times.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!