Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We Doodle, We Boo & We Suit Up

These darn boys as color crayons, and even a permanent marker.  I’m telling you some days!!  Thank God Magic Eraser’s can help a little bit, well it helped some.  So let’s just say the art table with coloring items are moved next to my work desk.

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Saturday after I finished up on Work I got dressed and dressed the boys up.  I did try to find my witch hat (according to Rick’s it’s fitting for me … lol).  The zoo we are members of had what they call Zoo Boo.  Dress up in costumes for a fun day of activities.

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Our Tuesday Dinner friends came along with us for some play time!

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We feed the goats, did some crafts, saw some cool animals.

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I made some lunch for the kids, which we stopped and snacked on a few times.  And check out the cool pumpkin that was carved.

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Cole & Rick did some decorating around the house.

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Sunday after church we hit JcPenny for a new shirt and tie for picture day at Cole’s school.  Then we went over to the playcenter at the Mall.  We didn’t stay long one little boy kept following Caden and everywhere Caden sat in something this little kid would come up and start yelling at Caden to get out.  One time he even pushed Caden.  I said something and the parents gave ME a dirty look.  NOT once said anything to their kid!

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Picture day at Cole’s school.  He thought he was so spiffy, we even (2nd pic) put Dad’s hair gel in!  Last year Cole’s school pic is on their website advertising for the school.  He thinks every year he’ll get his new pic up .. lol.  Poor guy his pants were too big and all I had was a dino belt, which he told me was not cool … lol.

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Happy Wednesday, Sorry I haven’t been by it’s been a bit nutty around here with work and I haven’t gotten much me time when I clock out.


  1. That zoo thing sounds like so much fun... tell cole here in New york Dino belts are the latest fashion!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. Cute costumes on the boys. Looks like they had a fun time. The decorations look great! Cole looks so adorable/handsome and grown up.

  3. What a fun time you had... I love that eraser too.. Not cool about the child at the play center... Love ya Poser

  4. Magic Eraser is always a staple at my house. It's amazing what it will remove. Cole looked very nice for picture day.

  5. Sounds like a fun week! :) Your son looks so cute in those last pictures! :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!