Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Weekend we were grounded … UGH

Well Cole had that chip thing at school so we dialed back our weekend.  Thursday Cole’s school had a field trip to Micheal’s craft store and I went along, all the chaperone’s got a coupon plus a list of upcoming events.  Ok that is the back story .. lol.

Cole bless him did rather well didn’t bug me while I worked Saturday AM and stayed quiet most of the day Saturday.  Not wanting to punish Caden we hit Michael's for a pumpkin panting Kid Class.  For $5 each I bought a pumpkin and the kids painted and decorated for 2 hours!  Of course I left my camera at home (just like I did for the field trip … ugh).  But I have the after shots … hehe.

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Sunday we went to church, which was a little light all the women went to a retreat Friday – Sunday.  Sadly I couldn’t go with work and kids (maybe next year).  But it was a nice day and my Tuesday dinner Friend even came and meet with me.  I was so excited her and her son came along with me, and I think they had a good time and will come again.

After church we took my boys and her son back to Michael’s for a Free event they were having.  Making Bats with your hand prints!  What a cool idea you can do at home for cheap and keep for memory sake!

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Rick and I also had our movie date Thursday night which was so great to get out and he even didn’t mind a movie that was faith based (whoo hoo … that is a big deal).  You all know about the mess we came home to but it was nice to be just us.

Rick even got some home improvements done around the house.  I had those UGLY vertical hanging blinds that get so dirty and you always have to straight them to make sure you can open then slide them over.  I made a run to Ross and picked up a new rod and curtains.  It makes the kitchen look very elegant, I’m so excited.  Plus we loved the new blinds we replaced after the dog tore the others that we bought one for our room, the boys room and my office.  They make the house look so much better and not the cheap plastic ones we had before.

Yeah to Date night got my hair done and shoes on Smile!

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Home improvements!

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Happy Wednesday, we’re almost to the weekend Smile


  1. Their pumpkins turned out really neat!! LOVE them! And those bats look like they're super easy and they're super cute too!

    Your new curtains look great! Isn't it exciting to fix up your house even when it's something small like curtains :-)

  2. I am so glad I got rid of my vertical blinds! Love having curtains! Love the little bats - what a fun idea.

  3. Boys will be boys I guess....they just have to learn not to touch others' belongings and not to take what is not theirs or you will have big problems in the future.

    Did that sitter just erm, sit and do nothing?

  4. busy as always.. but know what i REALLY focused on...? those KILLER shoes you wore on your date night.. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

  5. Love the pumpkins and the bats!
    The curtains looks great and the blinds in your office too! Hope you can go to the retreat next year. I miss going, I use to go every year.

  6. happy Wednesday.. What a weekend.. YOu are sure getting out on a lot of dates. You lucky girl.. Love the bats.. We did that with an apron..

  7. I'll be right over to steal those shoes, how adorable are they! Too cute mama. Love the pumpkins and the blinds and curtains look great!

  8. The pumpkins are cute. I miss doing all those kiddie crafts with my kids. They seem "too cool" now to want to do much of it.

  9. As always you bring a smile to my face...those shoes...have I ever told you I don't have good feet, so I am jealous???

    Also I still have some of the kids projects hanging up around the house. I should take photos and document them...

  10. Those pumpkins are adorable! :)

    Oh, and I haven't stopped reading you, I just haven't been on the computer much.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!