Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Treat Ideas

While being sick with no voice, the only thing I was really up to has been to watch tv (blah) or search the internet for recipe ideas.  Most of you know by now that I love to make treats for Cole’s classmates.  So I went on a search.  Last year I made the Rice Krispie Turkies that were so cute (But of course it snowed last year so Rick’s work got the treats … lol).  And being the crazy person I am I can’t make the same thing again, so the search to find a new turkey treat started.  Here is what I found, What do you think?

What I did last year: Turkey Rice Krispy Treats


Ideas for this year:

Pretzel Tailed Turkey Treats

Pretzel Tailed Turkey Treats

Turkey Shaped Cookies


Turkey Cookies


Turkey Cake Pops


Turkey Candy Corn Cupcakes


Oreo turkey cookie


Fudge Stripe Cookie Turkeys

Fudge Stripe Cookie Turkeys

Turkey Rice Krispy Treat Handprint

Turkey Rice Krispy Treat Handprint

Turkey Rice Krispy Pop Treat

Turkey Rice Krispy Pop Treat

Turkey Reese’s Cookie


I think I have narrowed it down to Turkey Rice Krispy Pop Treat and/or the Turkey Cake Pops.  What do you think?

Do you have any special to make?  What are you making?


  1. Geez the choices! I saw this recipe I think you and the boys should make- Cranberry Gummies, I am going to make them for hubby tonight!

    Let me know when the turkey treats are ready, my mouth will be open...oh btw you always have a voice, on paper, mouth, sign language, which means shooting the finger LOL

  2. Who knew there were so many turkey options?!? Hard to choose when they all look so good! My grandma used to make the chocolate covered ritz cracker ones and I loved those.

  3. I think the treats are all adorable. Make the one that is easiest for you.

  4. I didn't know you could make SO many different turkey treats! I like how easy the Fudge Stripe Cookie Turkeys look! :-)

  5. How fun. I wish I had more time to bake. It seems like I am always cooking family meals, and no desserts lol. Oh well better on our hips hehe


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!