Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cookies & a Tray for the neighbor

My dear neighbor asked if I could make some cookies for her family cookie exchange.  She loved the Snickerdoodles crème’s I made before and wanted them. Instead of making the ones I made last time with the betty crocker mix.  This time I made Mrs. Sigg’s Snickerdoodles first.

Mrs. Sigg's Snickerdoodles

Cookies, Snickerdoodles, Mrs. Sigg's Snickerdoodles

See Mrs. Sigg's Snickerdoodles on Key Ingredient.

Then I found this Quick Vanilla Buttercream frosting on the food network that worked perfect for my center!

Quick Vanilla Buttercream Frosting (Food Network)

Dessert, Frosting, Buttercream, Food Network

See Quick Vanilla Buttercream Frosting (Food Network) on Key Ingredient.

Then I assembled them!   8 Dozen cookies made for 4 dozen whoopie pies.  I used the poor man pipping bag, AKA ziplock bag with the corner cut off.


Snickerdoodle Whoopie Pies

Whoopie Pie, Snickerdoodle

See Snickerdoodle Whoopie Pies on Key Ingredient.

Then I found this on Pinterest to do a peppermint Candy tray.  I took the green ones and shaped a cross.  At first I started with a small pan and had to go to the big one!  NOW be very careful it will break as you can see in my picture below!

Peppermint Candy Tray

<p>A fun way to spice up your holiday treats</p>

See Peppermint Candy Tray on Key Ingredient.

So there you have it some simple fun things to make!  Sorry I skipped yesterday was running around delivering cookies Smile.


  1. I am so proud of you Alexis! You are a very talented young lady. The candy tray is very pretty.

  2. Seriously i want to live next to you! i'd wiegh about 800 pounds with all the yummy treats i would literally beg for, but i would be sooooooo happy!!!
    Blessibgs, Joanne

  3. My husband and Jackson love Snickerdoodles and I have never made them. Luckily my friend gave us a batch for Christmas. This recipe sounds super yummy! I think I'm just too lazy to make it though. (Wonder if my friend would? LOL)

  4. What a great idea to make sandwich cookies. I love Snickerdoodles, haven't made them in years. I think I will make some next year!
    I saw a plate like that on Pinterest but never looked at how it was made. How cool is that! Another thing for next year.

  5. Those snickerdoodles look kinda like my cinnamon jumbles, but I know the consistency and taste are different. I love both!

    Your candy tray is so cute!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!