Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cut out Cookie Time

I signed up to make cookies for Cole’s classroom, of course it was the same night as our Christmas party for my women’s church group.  I made the treats for the Christmas party and a potato soup for the potluck and then ran home to make cookies.  It turned into 4 dozen … lol.  Cole had a ton of fun rolling these out and cutting them all out.  I let him choose what cookie cutters and do everything except pull them out of the oven.  He loved being able to do the whole thing himself.  I did make up my gift jar’s hopefully put those up tomorrow.  Now to make it to the post office, maybe sometime today … lol.

The recipe calls for drop cookies, but we rolled out.  I did make mine on the thick side.  I found the recipe here.

Soft Sugar Cookies

<p>These weren&#8217;t for rolling out but I did so my son could cut them out in shapes for his classmates.</p>

See Soft Sugar Cookies on Key Ingredient.

Enjoy, this was one of my favorite cookies to make and super easy!  We didn’t frost since the kids were going to do this in their class today.
Do you have any cookies that you’ll be making this week?


  1. I made coconut macaroons yesterday. I went to the cookie exchange last night and now I have all kinds of cookies. I am sharing with neighbors and saving plenty for my son.

    Your son will always remember sharing the fun, making cookies with his mom. Don't ever change Alexis. You are off to a good start with your kids.

  2. That's awesome that Cole was able to do the cookies himself! And the recipe does look easy-I'll have to try that one next time I make cookies :-)

  3. you've been busy! They look yummy!

    We did cookies last week so I'm on strike this week :)

  4. Busy as always...yes I will be baking some Spritz cookies and several other things.

  5. I'm not making anything but I gave my mom a list and she's going to be very busy. ; )

    Merry Christmas!!! Loved your card!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!