Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Leftover Turkey & Cupcakes!

I found this amazing recipe to use the last of my turkey.  I used my hard apple cider instead of beer (it’s my special treat every once in a while .. lol). I used Agave instead of honey.  Cole liked this so much that he had me put it as his warm up the next day at school.  The Turkey Chili with Whole Wheat Orzo is one of the best chili’s I have made.

Turkey Chili with Whole Wheat Orzo

Chili, Turkey, Whole Wheat Orzo, Dinner

See Turkey Chili with Whole Wheat Orzo on Key Ingredient.

This was the best butter cream icing I have ever made, talk about super buttery Smile.

Very "Butter" Cream Frosting

Frosting, Buttercream, Buttercream Frosting, Cupcake

See Very "Butter" Cream Frosting on Key Ingredient.

I took this S’Mores Cupcake recipe and tweaked it since I didn’t have time to make the pretty frosting.  Ok the thing is I didn’t have a kitchen torche and Rick’s Man Cave scares me to go out there to get his torch.  I did the base the same with the graham cracker & chocolate cake part.  Just used a butter cream frosting instead (see above recipe).


Graham Cracker Chocolate Cupcakes

<p>I took a S&#8217;More&#8217;s cupcake recipe and tweaked it a little bit to come up with this recipe with a very butter cream frosting.</p>

See Graham Cracker Chocolate Cupcakes on Key Ingredient.

Something warm for your tummy and something sweet for your sweet tooth Smile.  Do you have something on your menu tonight?


  1. OK, this is it!! I am coming to live with your family. lol
    I used to cook like this when my kids were small. Hardly ever anymore.

  2. Girl I wish I could cook like you.. Love it.. I so want to live right next to you.. I want those cup cakes.. Have a great day.. Hosting my Round Robin if you want to join in I will have it up all weekend..

  3. I'm being good again so you will start seeing low calorie recipes on my blog. I got a wake up call this week with blood test results, although those muffins look yummy!

  4. Everytime I make chili I cannot believe the number of cans I open up! Everything sounds delicious. Where do you find clear vanilla?

  5. Amazing recipes!! That turkey chili sounds awesome! And the cupcakes too! YUM! :-)


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