Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We Interrupt Your Regular Programing …

The Pacific North West has been hit by snow, thankfully yesterday was a Holiday so it didn’t mess up school but today we have been hit again.  It’s coming down like crazy, I swear it looks like a blizzard outside.  So a quick post today but of course I leave you with a recipe to keep your belly warm!  The boys of course are loving this, and mom is just trying to stay sane with boys in the house.


And for something to warm you up from the cold, well it’s served cold but when I was young mom would always serve it warm Smile.  I found an amazing recipe for Refreshing Apple Tapioca Pudding.


Refreshing Apple Tapioca Pudding

<p>Calories 212.6<br />Total Fat 4.5 g<br />Sodium 121.8 mg<br />Total Carbohydrate 40.2 g<br />Dietary Fiber 0.8 g<br />Protein 4.1 g</p>

See Refreshing Apple Tapioca Pudding on Key Ingredient.

What is on your menu tonight?  Are you getting snow?


  1. Oh man! I'd really like some snow. Just one good storm and then we can go back to this crazy warm weather we've had. Yesterday was in the 60's...today? 20's.


  2. Are we ever! Predictions range from 8-12" to 10 - 18" through tomorrow. THANKS oh so much for sending it our way.

  3. We are getting a mixture of sleet, freezing drizzle and snow.

    On the menu tonight, not much since I had a big lunch.

  4. How exciting I am desperate for snow! Actually I am quite desperate for Apple Tapioca now too! :) x

  5. We've been pretty warm and no winter storms yet. It's a pretty nice break after last year of snow storm after snow storm, blizzards, being snowed-in, etc. It'd be nice to have one nice storm for the kiddos to have some snow to play in though :-)

  6. We have a TON of snow up here! Had fun sledding this morning. :)

  7. I wish we were getting snow. If it's going to be winter, and be cold, at least if we had snow we could play out in it!

    Stay warm!

  8. Snow, that is pretty exciting!
    The pudding looks yummy.

  9. Wow, you did get a lot of snow! I'm not a fan of the white stuff so I'm happy that we haven't gotten much of it yet this year.

  10. Brian is with you, he is NOT happy about the snow...wishes people would 'grow up and realize that snow days are for kids' Anyway hope Rick is a BIG help to you with the boys today. Idea - see if he'll go outside and help them build an igloo.

  11. oh how i miss the snow! yep i said it...i MISS it...


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!