Friday, February 10, 2012

The Tooth that caused it all …


I thought I’d give everyone an update on Caden and the dentist.  As you may know we had to have Caden’s tooth pulled.  We then had a spacer made that day BEFORE the tooth was filled (they cast it).

We then went back the 2 weeks later I was told was crucial that it had to be then.  We show up WAIT 45 minutes to be brought back to be told oh the spacer is not here do to the snow the week before!  So we leave which isn’t helping Caden’s fear of the dentist.  We then get a call the following week the I NEED to bring him back the following day!  I rearrange my day of work yet AGAIN for them.  THEN a few hours before the appointment they call and say they need us to come in EARLY due to oh yes get this “Caden’s Behavior last time”.  HELLO he is 4 and scared you pulled said tooth(pictured above) out of his head.  Was is necessary to say this to his mom no!  So we go early to get in and 4 ladies come in the room which of course scares Caden then they all bend over and start telling him to calm down.  The waterworks begin and then the No’s start.  Then the ladies of course start telling him to calm down etc.  So of course I can’t take any more of this and tell him we have to go.  They tell us to come back again. 

So yesterday I let Rick and my dad take him.  Rick said the appointment went better we had been practicing at home with a plastic mirror in his mouth so he was prepared what she was looking in there for.  She said she didn’t want to freak him out anymore then he already is so they didn’t put in the space just going to watch it.  They cleaned and gave him a fluoride treatment and looked and no cavities!  We have to go back in 2 weeks for another fluoride treatment.

We are thankfully are done with this spacer for now, and this last appointment will be the LAST time I go to this clinic.  A friend gave me a referral to an affordable that I can pay cash and when we get dental insurance.  Thank you again for all the love and support!


  1. Crazy!!!

    I hope the next place is better!

  2. It is a shame that they can't realize that they were not making it any easier for a child since they are supposed to be a child's dentist office. I'm glad it's almost over for all of you.

  3. Poor kid. Some dentists (doctors too) have no bedside manners at all. I hope the next place is better.

  4. I wouldn't go back either. He doesn't need a lifetime trauma about dentists!

  5. Poor little Caden. That is so traumadic for a little boy. I'm glad the last visit was better and that everything else is good with his teeth.

  6. Poor baby! Seriously if 4 women were crowded around me telling me to calm down it would freak me out too! I hope the new place is much better.
    blessings, Joanne

  7. I honestly think you have the patience of a saint. I would have lost my cool with that office and staff a long time ago and let them hear all about it.

    No wonder that your little boy is freaked out. I had no idea that those size teeth were even formed in a 4-year old. Is that an unusual case?

  8. i can not believe how they treated ur son and u...terrible...just terrible.. Im glad its over and that uve found some where new to go when u have to go again..this place obviously should have a sign up sayin "WE DONT WORK WELL WITH CHILDREN!"


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!