Friday, March 2, 2012

Some Sad News

This has taken me some time to write sad news is always so hard and I’m as I’ve been told too emotional, which usually leads to my filling the void with food.  This time I did have some hard time not turning to food, I did eat too much healthy items.  On a plus I’m down 2.6 lbs this week for 6.4 total for the 3 weeks I’ve been tracking.

On to my sad news I told you I’m not good with it and avoid conflict and sad things (as you see above me rattling on instead of the main thing).  Most of you know my dad remarried when I was around 10 to the mom I have now.  Being a step child is always a different situation and can be tough to feel you fit in.  I have been very blessed and have a wonderful life.  It wasn’t always an easy road but it has made me who I am.  I have never been very close to any of my family on both sides (besides my grandparents on my dad’s side who I lived with for a while). 

I don’t speak or have heard from the person I call the egg donor or her family.  My mom’s (the one that has been in my life since I was 10) mother – my grandmother has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.  She saw a neurosurgeon yesterday who said the tumor is growing at a rapid rate and is inoperable.  I wish we were closer but over the years we have not.  I am going to take this time to visit and get to know her better and send her off to God the best way I know how.

Thank you for all your prayers, you and they mean the world to me.  As I close this out it reminds me to hold those close to me and to take in those on the outskirts of your life.  Get to know them and enjoy every moment.  These small moments I will cherish forever.


  1. Hey girl. I took a reading hiatus from all my favorite blogs to just "be" and come back to find this... and my heart breaks for you.

    Enjoy this time.

    Much love to you sister.

  2. So sorry you are having to deal with this. i hope the amount of time you spend with her is special. It's painful to lose someone even if you might not have had the closest relationship with them. Thinking and praying for you.

  3. So sorry to hear about your sad news. Hugs from all of us - you and your family are in our thoughts.

  4. I am so sorry to read this sad post. My heart goes out to you and I wish I was close enough to give you a hug. You are such a very special young lady. My prayers will be with you!

  5. Alexis, I think spending time with her is a wonderful plan. Even if the time is short it will mean something to her and to you. When I hear you put yourself down it really bothers me. It is okay to be emotional. We have too many people in our world who have no emotions and it becomes a very cold world. Your compassion is a beautiful thing but always remember to take care of yourself too. ((HUGS))

  6. I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending thoughts your way...

  7. I am very sorry for you, your grandmother and you whole family. The time you spend with her will be very special for both of you.
    Goat hugs

  8. Such a tough time for you and your family. I will keep your family in my prayers.

  9. Oh Alexis I am so sorry! I think it will be a blessing to her and you when you spend that time with your Grandma. I hate this part of life...having to say goodbye. sending prayers your way.
    Blessings, Joanne

  10. Oh my dear friend.... My heart is yours. My arms send hugs and I offer my knee mail. Peace and love to you.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear of this. Bless you both as you spend time together. Prayers are being said for you and yours.

  12. I am sorry to hear about your grand mother. I am glad you will be able to take time to be with her before she goes to the other side. We really never do know what life is going to hand us next do we.

  13. oh honey :( how awful. Lots of thoughts and prayers your way! (((hugs)))

  14. *HUGZ* great big huge ones at that! I am so sorry to hear this news and how upset its made u...but i am proud at how u plan to deal with it, spending time and gettin to know her is such a wonderful idea hun u r an amazing woman! And u r so right u never know what tomrrow will bring....dont go to bed angry...mad...never go to bed not telling the kids how much u love them or ur spose...cuz u really do not know what tomorro will bring...<3

  15. Congrats on the weight loss. I am back on the bandwagon again too. This time I have to be accountable since I joined a group in Olympia called 90 Day Win...I work out almost every night.

    About your grandmother. That has to be glad you are trying to get to know her now. It's never too late girl! Prayers being said for you and her! :)

  16. I am SO SORRY!! My thoughts are with you!

  17. So sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  18. Your Grandma and your family will be in my prayers. ((HUGS))


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!