Sunday, May 6, 2012

Finished Spice Cupboard

I finally finished up my cupboard!  A while back I posted my first half of the spice cupboard with the swivel store spice rack I bought at Bed, Bath & Beyond.  I was waiting for another good coupon to come in the mail, finally one came in for $5 off.  I put it aside for Rick to go pick me up another rack.  It’s $19.95 with the $5 off it would be $14.95! Then Rick had the idea to buy it from the actual Swivel Store site since they have buy one get one FREE.  So I did what he said went onto their site for $19.95 plus shipping and handling you get 2!  Ok Cool I can do that.  So for you who go onto their site BEWARE!  I ordered what I wanted enter in my credit card info then a TON of pop up windows came up asking do I want this and that I click no to all then think I’m getting to the check out.  A last pop up comes up saying “Do you want the buy one get one free just pay shipping”.  Ok so I thought yes, so I click yes.  Then it goes to the check out and get this, the price was $70+. I almost fell out of my chair.   It was $30+ of shipping and guess what another set of TWO was added to my order!  I immediately called and a very nice woman told me it happens a lot (of course it does with the freaking way they have it worded on the site), BUT she couldn’t see the order for 48 hours! WTF?  She tells me to call back to cancel one and it will be fine!  So I call and guess what?  Oh yes you guessed it “I’m sorry that ordered has shipped you have to pay”.  I say NO way … then I have to pay to have it shipped back and pay for the overage in shipping to get it to me.  He was not budging and kept saying yes you have to!  So I would be out around $20 after you refund me for JUST the extra set!  THANKFULLY for Rick he called and kept screaming and was able to get the second set sent to me for free!  SO note to those who order on their beware and if it happens to you stand you ground and you’ll get it covered!  And on a side note it was another week and half before the package arrived!

So here is my end look for my cabinet.  I have 2 full right now and I put a third in for when I have more spices to add.  This was very simple to do.  In case you didn’t see the first post.  I picked up the plastic jars at Winco in the bulk section for around $.50.  Then I used Rick’s label maker to mark the bottles.  In the Swivel Rack (which I love, just not their website) and into the cupboard it went.   Of course in alphabet order!



I’m just excited that I don’t have spice bottles falling down on my head when I’m looking for one!


  1. How sleazy! I'm glad you got it sorted out.
    Your cabinet looks great

  2. I don't think I would order from that company again. Be sure and check your credit card to make sure you were charged properly.

    It looks really nice! Good job!

  3. I know exactly what you mean about falling spice bottles. Oh how I've been there. Actually I'm still there.

  4. I went through something like that for some cake pop kits. Never again! Your so organized, it looks wonderful. Why do you want to do mine?

  5. What an ordeal! I'm glad it worked out in the end and you spice cupboard looks awesome! I wish I could do that with mine, but I doubt it would work in my little corner cupboard :-/


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!