Thursday, May 31, 2012

Graduation Cap Cake Pops Made

I like to make something for the class as they move to the next grade.  I found several things on Pinterest for Graduation but I’ve been dying to try out this cake pop pan my mother in law bought me.  So I came up with an idea to make a cake pop and then add a graduation cap on top to make it look like a little graduation head.  Cole’s school colors are red and black.  Here is what I came up with.  What do you think?


First off I made a Vanilla Cake Pop from the Baby Cakes Shops.  It was a simple recipe and I did like they said and put it in a piping bag (aka poor person ziplock bag).

• 1½ cups all-purpose flour
• 1 teaspoon baking powder
• ¼ teaspoon salt
• ½ cup butter, softened
• 1 cup sugar
• 2 eggs
• 2 teaspoons vanilla
• ½ cup milk
1. Combine flour, baking powder and salt.  Set aside.
2. In a separate bowl, beat together butter and sugar until light and creamy.  Beat in eggs and vanilla.
3. Alternately blend in flour mixture and milk into butter mixture, beginning and ending with the flour mixture.
4. Fill each cooking reservoir with about 1/2 full. 
5. Bake 350 for 20 minutes.
6. Allow to cool and glaze or coat, as desired.


You Will need:

  • Wilton Candy Melts (In your School Colors)
  • Cake Pop Sticks
  • Graham Crackers
  • Peel Twizzlers
  • Frosting (Something you can use like glue to stick the hat on top)

I made the cake pops stuck them in the freezer while I melted some red Wilton candy melts and dipped them in it.  I then put them in the fridge so they would firm up.   I then took graham cracker rectangle and broke in half to be like a square for the cap.  I dipped that in black candy melts and let them sit on some wax paper before they hardened I took some peel twizzlers  to look like tassels hanging off the hat.

Check out the step by step here, plus you see my helpers Smile.  I only had one cake pop stand (I even sent Rick to Walmart and couldn’t find another one).  So we did some extra and did them with out a stick in a cupcake holders.


So Friday we wrap up the 2nd grade.  I hope our goodies are loved.


  1. I have to say it mom! You make your kids proud and as I have said before, they will never forget the great things you did for them when they were young!!

  2. That is so cool.. I hope they are liked by all or were liked by all.

  3. Oh my goodness... Too cute!!! What a sweet idea (no pun intended)

  4. They turned out really cute! I can imagine the class loved them! :-)

  5. cake on a stick, would never have thought of that, what amazing things you find on the Internet!!

  6. Is there anything you CAN'T Make?! lol The cake pops are very cute.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!