Friday, June 22, 2012

It's a Drive By Hi and By ....

Pin It OMGosh it is Friday, which is usually a good thing but I swear my world is going crazy.  Work has been very busy and after work I've been doing so good at going walking.  Then I come home and I'm pooped out!  So a very quick hi to all!  I am excited we found a new park / walking area yesterday.  The only bad part is the walking part is smaller so it takes almost 4 1/2 times around to make a mile instead of the 3 times around for our other place.  So there you have it a place for the kids to play and a nice trail for my friend to and I to walk along with her dog.

Hope you all have a great weekend, I hope to finally clean my house!  Also a little prayer for me on weight in day tomorrow! UGH I've worked so hard this week but I haven't been having big numbers.  Back to the water I go!


  1. The park sounds wonderful. Your working so hard. I pray your numbers are down. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Hoping the best for you. We have some nice trails in our town. I need to visit them more often.

  3. It seems that I always have to clean my house. Even right after I clean it. It takes so much longer to clean than mess up.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!