Sunday, August 19, 2012

A thank you Gift that is SWEET!

Our lovely neighbor was outside playing with his son and was so sweet and let the boys come hang out and play.  He even took them down to the church by us to play kickball and catch!  I was so grateful I had a ton of work and needed all the quiet time I could get.  He gave me 3 hours of peace time!  I wanted to do something sweet for him and his family and came across a Blackberry Custard Pie on Columbus Foodie Blog's.  I made a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up some blackberries because I'm lazy and didn't want to spend an hour picking some.  YUP I know but what can I say for $6 I caved to the grocery store blackberries!

Blackberry Custard Pie

1 unbaked 9 inch pie shell (I used deep dish I recommend this)
2 cups Fresh Blackberries
4 Eggs
2/3 Cup Sugar
1 1/3 Cup Milk (I may next time only use 1 cup it was a little too much)
1 tsp Vanilla
Lemon Zest (This was my add on)

Place blackberries in bottom of pie shell.  Mix beaten eggs, sugar, milk and vanilla together and pour over blackberries.  Bake at 400 degrees for 50 minutes or until custard test done with a knife coming clean when stuck halfway between the rim and the middle.  I also used my pamper chef pie crust (it is very nice goes over the rim of the pie to keep it from getting burned).

My little add of the lemon zest added a little extra to the mix.

This smelled so great I almost died when it was ready to take over they weren't home.  Thankfully they came over shortly after and I had the boys pass it off before I took a fork and dug into it.


  1. sounds like a great nieghbor. That pie looks fact I hate to say that i may have given him a home made card and eaten the pie myself!

    PS. whats sad is that I'm not kidding!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. ::drooling:::

    Wanna be my neighbor? YUM!

  3. It's beautiful and I'm sure it was deliciou

  4. Good neighbors are hard to find. Iam sure they enjoyed that delicious pie!

  5. I've been thinking of this since I saw it on Facebook. Doggone you!

  6. I can just imagine you running back to the house yelling "quick grab a fork, they were not home, dig in!" lol

  7. What a nice gift. It looks and sounds delicious. Blackberries are my favorite!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!