Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fall Color Time Again

Most of you know I love to change up my hair color with each season.  I know we're still in Summer but I only get my hair done every 8 to 10 weeks so I wanted to be ready for a fall color.  Ok I just want something new and I'm going with it!  My amazing cousin is a hair dresser and she is so sweet and allows me to come to her house on her day off and she does my hair.  I love it, I get a great deal and I like that I can give her the cash instead of the salon where the owner probably would take a chunk of it.  She is so sweet she is even going to cut the boys hair so they are ready for school which is coming up in 12 DAYS!!!  Thank you God I didn't think this summer break would EVER end.  Remember I work at home and having them home along with a hubby that is out of work makes for FUN days for me!!!

So on to my new do!  Since my 30's hit I've always done shorter do's, to avoid the pony tale look which I do if I have long hair since I'm hair lazy.  PLUS working at home I get to wear PJ's and bed head so short hair goes great with my head set ... What it acts like a headband!

So I hit up my board "Make Me Over" on Pinterest and came across this photo.  I loved the cut and the colors so I sent a note to my cousin and we are all set for tomorrow!  I will have to reveal the finished product when I'm done and of course with good lighting (that is key in my world).

What do you think?
Cute cut and color!


  1. I like it! It's a very sassy look that doesn't scream, "I'm a mom"! Those are always the best. I like the color blend also. Looks great. I say...go for it!!!! I will be hitting up the local Sally's to find a rinse for my grey hair. My stylist informed me I probably need to let it stay on longer next time....:-( Darn you grey hair!!!

  2. I absolutely can see you rockin' that. GREAT choice! Can't wait to actually see it on you!

  3. I love it!! I think it will be perfect for you. Can't wait to see the new you.

  4. I think this would be really cute on you! Go for it!

  5. ooo I like the colour, look forward to seeing how you look soon

  6. Wish I would have seen this before I went on Wednesday. I love it!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!