Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Leaving on a Bus ....

Cole is off for a whole week, yes that is overnights also!  We took him to the church yesterday morning.  We got in the very long check out long, which much to Rick's mumbling went very fast and loaded him on the bus!  He was so excited to be going, I was so happy since last year when I tried to do a day camp the first day he actually ran back to the car several times making Rick have to take him back home.  This year he got on the bus and that was the end of it!

The day before we hit up Target got a few snacks and things that we need.  We then came home and packed until I thought I could pack no more.  5 of everything sure does and up quickly.  With some tugging and pulling we were able to close the bag.

I did get a few fun pictures of him being dropped off, wish I gave him a disposable camera to take pictures (Note for next year).  It was a very quiet night here, But little Caden keeps telling me he misses him :(.  We sent him cards yesterday that should arrive today.  Caden did his own card and drew a picture of him and Cole, and told me so he would remember him.


  1. I'm sure he will have a blast and it will be good for all of you.

  2. Awwww He looks sooo cute! I know he will have a great great time!
    Blessings, Joanne

  3. What a great experience for him. He is going to have SO MUCH FUN!!

  4. I think he will have lots of stories to tell when he gets home. I know you will miss him though.

  5. He sure is running away and you def helped him pack! Not sure if I am ready for the 9yr old to go away for a week let alone the 7yr old! Well done you, he will have a blast

  6. I'll bet that he has a great time! A camera was the first thing I had on my list whenever I went to 4H camp many, many years ago. You'll remember it next year :)

  7. So happy that he decided to get on the bus and make the trip this year. I'm sure he'll have a great time.

  8. So glad he got on the bus. I can just hear Rick's mumbling, sounds like my Mark. Why can't they have patience!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!