Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Things Under the Bed ......

Things have been a little somber around here, but dad is doing well in a lot of pain and on the road to recovery.  So trying to lighten things up a bit around here I thought I'd share what I found under Caden's bed last night.  Having boys sure is fun and what you find under their beds is always fun (ok people they are 8 and 5 so we're talking about food items ... lol).  So hang on here we go.
The loot!

Because we need a snack: Fruit Snacks & Crackers

Well at least fruit: Grape & Raisin

Of you get thirsty: Water & Kool-Aid Jammers

More food: Popcorn, Pretzel and of course breading from a corndog.

Oh there is my necklace, well part of it!


Cole's scissors this could be a plant from his brother

YUP that is all the fun!!!

Hope you enjoyed the laugh like I did that is after a stern talking to AGAIN for the umptenth time about food in one's room!


  1. I'm glad that your father's surgery went well. I hope his recovery goes just as smoothly.

    Erm, ICK!

  2. Good to hear that your father's surgery went well.

    That is quite a collection of goodies you found. :-)

  3. well at least that stuff isn't alive.
    have fun.....wait till they get to be teenagers...the collection gets worse.

  4. I love it when you post "under the bed posts". They make me feel That I am not the only one that goes through this!
    Blessings, Joanne

  5. Beautiful, what a scream. Alex, my 7yr old is the worst for things under his bed but luckily never food as they don't have it in the room, but the other stuff that gets stored under there could probably start a shop and earn millions!

  6. I'm just a little grossed out but I have no doubt if someone were to take photos and log the contents of what was found under the bed at Irishman's house....that...THAT would make me throw up :D

  7. Oh geez! What is with them? You're going to have an ant farm under the bed if they don't knock it off!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!