Thursday, October 4, 2012

The best way to end a Slumber Party is a movie & POPCORN!

And we end our slumber party food with popcorn.  So at first I started with oil on the stove with the kernels but I decided that wasn't working so well so why not try the version I saw on pinterest the other day.  I saw this Blow-Your-Mind Microwave Popcorn and thought how could something with only a bowl, a plate and kernels really work but I was amazed it really did.  I found this great recipe on Everything but the ....  Again I'm not allowed this on my diet but my friend took a bite of it and you should have seen her face when she took the bite you could tell it was super yummy!  I will be making popcorn this way from now on, I can't wait until I have the ability to eat it!

Here is what you have to do:
Take 1/4 cup of dry popcorn kernels and place in the bottom of a microwave-safe glass bowl (pyrex is a great choice). Place a microwave-safe plate on top of the bowl. Plate should be wide enough to go beyond the rim of the bowl.
Microwave for 2 minutes 45 seconds. Popcorn pops perfectly, no oil, butter or bag!  YUP simple is the word and delish is the second word!

Enjoy from the empty bowls returned to me, I would say it's a hit and will be a staple in our house.  And as for the sleep overs I'm sure we'll do one again soon, it was a fun day (even the clean up afterwards wasn't too hard).


  1. What a unique way of popping corn. Great idea.

  2. Thats amazing I will need to try it out. Your doing amazing on your weight loss keep up the good work :)

  3. What a great idea. I eat a LOT of popcorn so I'll have to try it.

  4. Pretty neat! I've never heard of popcorn being cooked that way.

  5. Really, I am going to have to try this one! Thanks for sharing.

  6. We've got to make popcorn this way sometime soon!!

  7. This worked great for me! The only modification is that the amount of kernels should be reduced, to maybe a couple of Tb. I found that a lot of the kernals were not popped, and could not continue to cook them as it would burn the popped kernels. Anyway, I put olive oil, garlic powder and salt on it and it was amazing! Love that I can make popcorn healthy and avoid the carcinogens with other microwave popcorn.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!