Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fall Recipe ... Cinnamon Roll Waffles

Since I'm on a Waffle Roll here ... ok it's a pun I couldn't resist.  I was going to make homemade cinnamon rolls for this recipe but it was a late night after teacher conferences so I went for my back up pre-made cinnamon rolls.  This was a simple recipe to make and the boys loved them.  I of course didn't get to taste but the boys had seconds and were so excited for another breakfast for dinner night!

I've been seeing cinnamon rolls put in a waffle maker for sometime now on Pinterest.  Most of the links I found didn't link to any post just showed you how to do it, so that is why I'm not linking to anyone. I thought it was simple to do in a pinch and I was right.  Next time I will make my own cinnamon rolls but for this night it worked out great.

What you need:
Store Bought Cinnamon Roll Dough w/ frosting (or make your own)
Waffle Maker

Yup it's that simple!  Open the can put one of the cinnamon rolls in each side of the waffle maker (mine is made with 4 slots so I made for at a time).  Make sure to flip the waffle maker and then flip it back over, open up and take them out.  Frost right away so the frosting melts.  Again this came with frosting but you could make a simple frosting of powder sugar, milk and vanilla.  

Serve right away so they are warm and gooey!  My maker took only about 3 minutes to make!

Happy Tuesday!  I'm slammed at work and not getting a lot of me time after work.  I am trying to get around to see everyone.


  1. You're on a waffle kick, huh?

    Yet another delicious recipe that I wish I had already made in front of me right now.

  2. Mmmm, drooling! My mom has a waffle maker and this is just the reason to borrow it!

  3. oh god

    i died


    i must get a waffle iron now.

  4. Ahhh Now I have to get a waffle maker! These look amazing!

  5. I starting to think you really don't want me to be on a diet or to help my husband stay on his! LOL! I will be making these!!! We will eat them in moderation...of course.

  6. That sure is easy. Glad you're busy at work. Holiday $$$

  7. Wow these sound awesome! And the candy corn waffles are super cute!

  8. I can't believe you could think of this! It sounds wonderful!

  9. Oh My Gosh, another thigh enlarger, and so simple.

  10. I want a waffle iron that flips!!!! What if yours doesn't flip? Oh no! Do I need to buy ANOTHER iron? Dang! Lol

  11. Have to give you a lot of credit for making these tasty things and not eating them. I've seen these too and they sound heavenly!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!