Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Now to Organize the Laundry Soap

On my organizing whirl wind of the house, I tackled the laundry room cupboard above my washer and dryer.  I was looking threw pintrest the other day and found an idea I loved.  Putting your laundry soap in a fancy glass container with a spout to make it look more elegant.  Now I found this idea on Your Little Birdie's site, she used her homemade laundry soap which I believe is probably thinner then the brand I used.  I found this container I bought also leaked :( so back to Target I went and got a different one.   You can also adjust the rubber part on the back of the spout to let it flow better.  This is a simple idea but I really love this look when I open my cupboard.

What you need:
Glass Container with Spout (Target, Hobby World etc)
Laundry Soap (Homemade may be the best since it won't be as thick)

Clean your glass container and add the laundry soap.  You can let it drain and then into the recycler went the laundry soap container.  Next time I may even try to make my own laundry (don't worry I'll show it when I'm done).

Happy Tuesday!  I have a few more fun organization things to come!


  1. So much more attractive than the plastic:)

  2. You are really getting things organized. way to go!!

  3. I'm glad you are having so much fun organizing things

  4. My washer has an auto dispenser so I'm lucky I don't have to do this!

  5. Sure Liz rub it in about u lucky girl who got those for reviewing lol. Xoxo

  6. That definitley looks much neater. You're on a roll over there, lady!

  7. Great idea for those who need to organize and it looks much better than the plastic it arrives in!

  8. i really like this idea. We plan to redo our laundry in the next few weeks to cut down on clutter we pile stuff in there and it makes me crazy!

  9. Wow, what a difference the new container makes. You are coming along nicely with the organization and thanks for sharing ideas.

  10. You are just getting too organised sister, slow down, you may hurt something! LOL

  11. Can you do one on organizing towels? My towels are all shoved on this shelf above the washer and dryer and I have to crawl up there and they're all wadded up....ugh.

  12. I'm glad that works for you. We buy the large detergent at Costco which has a dispenser on it.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!