Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Root "Deer" Gift

As I mentioned yesterday the boys and I went to a Christmas party with some friends from high school.  It was so much fun and they had a gift exchange, instead of just buying something I thought it would be fun to make some fun gifts I've seen on Pinterest.  Since we did Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer "Peanut Butter Fudge" yesterday, why not stick with that theme!  I wanted to try these Root "Deer" gifts I saw on Magnolia Manor.  This was so easy, the only hard part was getting the labels off (I tried keeping them on and putting the eyes on but it didn't look right).

Root "Deer" Ingredients:

Root Beer (in bottles in the cardboard container - had to go to 2 stores to find it)
Brown Pipe Cleaners
Googly Eyes
Red Pom Poms

Take off the label on the top of the bottom (I ran under water and peeled off).  Take a pipe cleaner and wrap around the top, I then formed to look like antlers.  I took some Elmer Glue and glued the eyes and pom pom on.  Put it back in the cardboard container and done!  You can even make a sign to go on front that says Root "Deer", I ran out of time and didn't do that.

Hope you have a wonderful day and make someone's day with this special gift.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!