Monday, January 21, 2013

Eric Carle Cupcakes (Ladybug, Turtle & Caterpillar)

On to project #2, I did the treat bags yesterday and tonight I made cupcakes for Caden's class.  Thank God they only have 8 kids in his class so it was an easy project to make.  I made 3 different types, the Turtle, the Ladybug and the caterpillar.  I found this really cool idea on Gummy Lump Toys Blogs.

This was a super easy recipe to make, I made cupcakes but I used can frosting (I'm lazy when it comes to frosting).

What you need:

Ladybug -
Red Frosting
Black Gel Frosting
Brown M&M's
1/2 mini peanut butter cup

Tint your frosting red (I used Wilton Gel).  Add the black gel for the wings and brown M&M's for dots.  Add a 1/2 mini PB Cup for head and add the pearls for the eyes.

Turtle - 
White Frosting
Reese PB Cup
Green or White Gel
Green Candies (for head, tail & legs)

Frost the cupcake with white frosting.  Add the regular size Reese's PB Cup.  I cut green licorice for the feet and a gum drop for head and 1/4 gumdrop for tail.  I used green gel for the pattern on the shell.

Caterpillar -
Green or Brown Frosting
Green M&M's
1/4 mini peanut butter cup

Frost the Cupcakes in green or brown.  Add the green M&M's for the body.  I added a 1/4 mini PB cup for head and pearls for eyes.

I hope you enjoy these were fun to make for the class and would be easy enough to do a Eric Carle (The Hungry Caterpillar) birthday party.


  1. These cupcakes are so cute! Congrats on your amazing weight loss :-)

    I'm your newest follower via GFC. Please come visit me over at My Sesame Seed Buns sometime!

  2. OK sister...when do you find the time to actually get any work done?? You are always baking!

  3. Oh my gosh, the cuteness!! Love these, Alexis!

  4. How flippin' cute! I love all of them, but the catepillar ones are especially cute. The kids must have loved them.

  5. OMGosh... those are adoreable!! I bet the kids loved them!

  6. Oh my how adorable are these!!! Zoe wants a ladybug party for her birthday in April, these would be perfect!

  7. Those look so pretty especially the lady bug! Great job dear...

  8. Okay - how can you make these and still lose weight? I need to look at what your doing - as I need to do something now. sandie

  9. Man I wish you were here. I'm starting to sweat the Valentine's Day parties. I just know you're going to come up with some super awesome stuff.

    Can you come visit? :D

  10. Those are so fun! And so are the treat bags you made. I can imagine the kids absolutely loved them! :-)

  11. oh my gosh! These are super cute. Found you at the Pin Me party. Definitely pinning these :) Have a great weekend!

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot

  12. Thank you for coming by my blog! These cupcakes are adorable! I am on my way to check out those matching treat bags too!!


  13. CUTE! I especially love the caterpillar ones!

  14. Oh my goodness these are all so adorable! Wasn't sure WHICH photo to pin, so I did the collage. They look so easy yet so professional! *LOVE*

  15. I just saw your cute cupcakes featured at Diana Rambles Pin Me link party!! YAY! Congrats, Alexis!! :)

    These are SO INCREDIBLY CUTE!! Pinning! ;)

    Happy Friday, bloggy friend! :*) Have a fantastic weekend!

  16. Hopping over from the Pin Me hop. Love the turle cupcakes. So cute and so pinned! The title of your blog is adorable. When we were little, mom and dad told us if we ever ran away from home we could only take what we'd bought ourselves. That wasn't much! LOL Your blog reminded me of that. New follower here.

    Sinea from Ducks 'n a Row

  17. OMG !!
    These are soooooooooooo CUTE
    I think you did a wonderful job


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