Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Slow Cooker on a $5 Meal Budget (Pork Chops & Applesauce)

Pork Chops and applesauce (anyone else say this like Peter Brady? ... Every time I say it I think of that episode .. lol).  Here is yet another $5 meal idea that was a pleasure with the boys.  I sadly with my diet didn't get to eat this dinner but all the boys loved it (well Caden told me I need to make chunky applesauce so next time I'll make sure to do that!).  Being on a diet and having to eat something different the family sometimes can be a pain but that is the nice thing about the crockpot and not have to slave over their meal and then mine!

First off we come to the Slow Cooker Brown Sugar and Balsamic Pork Roast I found on the $5 Meal website.  This was a very easy one to do and smelled so great.

Ingredients (These are her prices mine were close to this)

4 pork chops, about 1 1/4 lb. ($2.48)
Salt and pepper
2-3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar ($.20)
4 tsp brown sugar ($.02)


Place the pork chops in the bottom of a glass baking dish. Sprinkle some salt and pepper onto both sides of the pork chops. Then drizzle the balsamic vinegar over the top. Add 1 tsp of brown sugar on top of each pork chop and spread into the vinegar. Let marinate for at least 30 minutes in the fridge.
Preheat oven to 350.
Bake the pork chops for 30-40 minutes, or until cooked through. Cooking time will depend on the thickness of the chop.

Second off on the menu was to make the Slowcooker Applesauce that I found on another favorite website A Year of Slowcooking.
4 large apples, skinned ,cored, and cut in quarters 
juice from 1 lemon
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1 T brown sugar
1/4 cup H20

The Directions.

Skin, core, and cut your apples into quarters. Plop the pieces into your crockpot. Add the juice from the lemon, and the water. Pour in the vanilla, and add the cinnamon and brown sugar. 

Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours. When the apples are super tender, mash with a potato masher or large fork. 

And here is what dinner looked like!!
(don't laugh at the Ikea Bowl for the kids .. lol)

These are two great recipes that you can make and have in time for dinner (if you want do your applesauce the day before since it makes so much it will give you a treat for a few days).  Hope you all have a great day!  

What's on the Menu tonight?


  1. Ahahahahahaha - the first thing I thought of when I saw the title was Peter Brady! LOL!

    Yet another delicious recipe :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I was thinking Peter brady too, lol

  3. Always an excellent combination. I'll make them to bake in the oven with apples and onions. Really yummy!

  4. sounds good but i would have to find something sugarless for us diabetics or just me then. but not sure if everyone would like what i would do to it.. LOL..

  5. Thank you for another delicious sounding recipe.

  6. I've been wanting to make applesauce in the crock pot for awhile now. We are snowed in today. I think its going to be the perfect day to give it a try!

  7. The Brady Bunch is the first thing I thought of when you said... Pork Chops and Applesauce. .. but I think he said it with a lisp or something.... didn't he lose a tooth... or maybe was clowning around. I can't remember.

  8. Can't have pork chops without the applesauce!

  9. I haven't had pork chops in quite a while! This sounds wonderful! :-)

  10. Pork chops & apple sauce!!!!!!!!! YUMMY! Thanks for linking up at my Pin Me Linky Party.


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