Friday, February 15, 2013

Refresh of Me!!!

Well after a week of going crazy with doing every valentine thing I saw on Pinterest.  Mind you after the following week when I was running around crazy doing items for Caden's half Birthday (summer birthday's get to celebrate 1/2 birthday in school) ... sooo that post will come back next week!  So I needed a little refresh of myself.  My amazing hairdresser / cousin moved over Christmas and has been in unpacking h**l so we had to put off getting my hair done for 2 months.  My roots went from a 8 week need to be colored to almost 16 week trashy girl look ... lol!  Oh yes I was looking frazzled.  And since the scale hasn't budged in 2 weeks I was feeling rather down :(.  SOOO I was super excited to be getting a fresh new cut and color.

So I was watching lifetime (no comments and if you know me your just smiling because I LOVE that station) and fell in love with Candice Cameron's hair when she was in Puppy Love.  So I asked my cousin to give me that color ... and she ran with it and then since my face is looking so thin (her words but hey I agree) we went with a super short and sassy do!  I think this really is the best cut and color I've had in a long time.  And this time I actually can look at myself (I mean really look at myself ... before I avoided mirrors) to admire my cut and heck just the face looking back at me.

The inspiration

And here I am:
(don't mind the zit on my nose .. ugh)

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. That looks sooooooooo pretty! I love it!

  2. VERY sexy! I love it. I wish I could rock a cool hair style like that and the color is absolutely gorgeous!!

  3. You look great! She did a fantastic job.

  4. Your hair looks adorable and I love the back. I hope to get mine done soon!

  5. Very Cute and I love how the back looks.

  6. My sister's cut is like yours. It looks great on you and the color is perfect! Yeah, I will I could rock a cut like that too! Have a great weekend!

  7. AWESOME! I actually have a very similar cut, but your color looks way better than mine! Love it!

  8. Cute haircut! It looks great on you! :-)

  9. I don't have thick hair so I don't feel like I can pull off short hair. It just LAYS there. I have to be able to pull it back in a ponytail! (And wear a ball cap without looking like a boy!) :)

    I LOVE the back, however! Saucy!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!