Friday, February 22, 2013

Should I call Hoarders?

Yesterday I went into Cole Room, on the surface it looked perfect well ok good enough for a 8 year old's room.  THEN I peaked around the corner of the dresser when I was putting around his clothes happened to bend down and guess what I found .... Oh yes there was stuff shoved under the dresser!  SO I almost loose it!

I pull it all out then I check under the bed and under his desk ... UGH yes this is what I found!!

Food (some I could tell what it was and some not so much)

Let's just say mom was not so happy!  So I sent him on cleaning it.  I come in to find the pile gone but my garbage can full.  YUP he took a play from his dad's book and just threw it all away!  OH YES lego's and all!  Do you know how much a lego guy cost these days .... 3 for $15 is what I paid not too long ago!  So on to garbage digging he went!

OH man I'm spent ... BOYS!!  Have a happy weekend!


  1. I would have sent him straight into the garbage too!

  2. I can't believe he threw it all away! Blake LOVES all his toys and it's like pulling teeth to get rid of anything.

  3. I remember those days with my Daughter only she shoved hers under the bed and in her dresser drawers. I remember getting so mad one time I emptied everything out of the dressers and made her clean it up right.

    Now it seems pretty silly what I did... but at the time I was fuming.

  4. LMAO - it's funny that you posted this because I've been taking pictures for a future post of all the crap that my 5 year old hoards. It's literally all junk, but I sneak into his room and slowly throw most of it away when he's at school.

  5. I'm thankful that my kids haven't discovered the space under the bed yet. They just dump everything into buckets and call it "clean." They have their dad's sense of "organization." Drives me crazy!

  6. Well, then you should have let him. NOT replaced them and reminded him of what he had done.

    Lesson learned.

  7. I wish it were just boys! I can't even threaten to throw toys out with my girls or they will just help put it all in the trash bag! Anything to get out of cleaning! Following along!

  8. Bwhaha I think all litle ones go through this stage!

  9. Ha! It's not just boys! My girls do the same thing. Drives me nuts!

  10. my girls enjoy putting food under the couch when i make something they dont like.. i have found burgers, brats, and other such things under the couch when i moved it to clean and shampoo the carpet.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!