Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We End with Mickey Mouse Treat Bags

And we end this half birthday party with the treat bags I made for the kindergarten kids in Caden's class.  I saw on Pinterest a really cute treat bag but it was just a picture.  So I took the idea and ran with it.

What you need:
Paper Bags w/ Handle (I found mine at Dollar Tree they only had red - Pack of 2)
Black Construction Paper (I found at Dollar Tree)
Label (If you want)

For the real party I may either find red or black bags add the ears and add either white or yellow for the button look.  I took a large cup and outlined a circle on the black construction paper (You could use whatever you like I'm all about the easy).  I then cut the ears out.  I took the red bags and added a black ear to the top of each corner.  You can add the circles at the bottom for buttons if you want (I didn't do it this time).  I then added a label for Caden's birthday and a note the party invites will come in July (when his real birthday is).

Fill up your bags:
Mickey Mouse Coloring book (found at dollar tree)

I think it all turned out really cute and the kids loved them.  I can't wait to do the big party in July and all the other fun things we'll make.


  1. You are officially my hero. I want to move to WA so that my kids can be friends with your kids and get invited to their cool parties.

  2. Those came out really cute and they look pretty easy to make!

  3. Good morning beautiful creative mama! THESE are to DIE For! You know, because I AM a total freak of THE Mouse! :) (I even have a Mickey tat!) Yes, I do!

    I bet those were a HUGE hit!!!

  4. More Mickey Goodness!! LOVE IT!! I just stopped by to let you know that I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award!! YAY!! :) You can check out the post where I nominated you, linking to your fun blog, at: ...Congrats! Have a terrific night, Alexis! ;)


  5. Love the mouse ear bags for the half-birthday. Isn't Dollar Tree the best. Cute idea!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my Wordless Wednesday: In My Sketchbook post!! Not sure if you saw while you were there, but I also host a link party and would love for you to share your fun Mickey ideas!! So cute and fun!

  7. So cute and fun! I love all your creativeness!! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!