Tuesday, February 12, 2013

You're the Bomb or Are you a Lady Bug?

On to our next Valentine Day gifts made!  Now most of you say why don't you just make two of the Pop-Pop Pop-ular Teacher Gift I made yesterday for Caden's teacher also.  Well on one of the first field trips I went on (where I made pumpkin patch cupcakes) I offered one to Caden's teacher who let me know her husband is a gluten free diet and she is going along to support him.   So I must find gifts that I can give her.  I found an idea to make bath bombs on Swift Crafy Monkey.  NOW the recipe is very easy but finding the Citric Acid for the recipe was my kryptonite.   I went to 3 Walmarts, Fred Meyers, Walgreens, Jo-Anne's, Michael's and Target!!  YUP I almost screamed at the last store the pharmacist at Target must have seen the tears or maybe the bright shade of red on my face and told me to go to Super Supplements.  This inexpensive gift I swear cost me $50 in gas ... lol.

Here is what you Need:
1/2 cup baking soda
1/4 cup citric acid
1 tsp oil of choice 
up to 2.5 ml fragrance oil
(Alexis Note: I used Olive Oil, because it's what I had and well I wasn't going to let this recipe make me do ONE more trip to the grocery store ... lol)

Mix the powdered parts together very well and make sure there aren't any big hunks of baking soda or citric acid in the mix. Add your oil and fragrance oil into the oils. Mix really well - it might fizz a bit. This is normal. Press into the molds very hard - pack a layer as hard as you can, then pack the next layer, until you've reached the top - and wait at least 45 minutes before removing (I found I had to let mine stay over night).   

I also made this shape

Next on the list to make is something special for Caden's class, I knew they would be getting a LOT of candy so why not make something that would be fun for the holiday but maybe a little on the healthier side.  Now I saw a pin on Pinterest saved it then went back to hit up the website to see how it was done!  So I click on it and guess what it's just linked to a picture (I tried searching again and ALL of them are linked to the same picture).  Don't you just HATE when you go for a pin and it's not pinned to the right website or even to a website.  Ok it's a pet peeve!)  So I ran with the picture and this is what I did, I added eyes (I thought it needed a little something) along with a personalized note on the bottom w/ labels that I cut out into a circle.
What you need:
Red Fruit Cup
Black Pipe Cleaner
Black Sharpie Pen
Wiggly Eyes (optional but I thought they were cute)

Take the fruit cup flip it over (leaving the plastic on of course so the gel stays inside), make a line down the middle, draw a black half circle for the face and dots on each side of the line.  Cut a pipe cleaner in half, glue onto the the fruit cup below the face.  Add a little curl at the end of each piper cleaner for the antenna's.  You're done!  You can add a little message onto the bottom if you want. (I searched for ladybug wording and found a cute saying on Skip to My Lou's website).

Aren't they cute?  I thought so!  Next on our mission to make is the valentine card boxes for each kid (Monster for Cole & Dog for Caden) and Popcorn Treat Bags for Cole's Class.

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!