Monday, March 11, 2013

Thank You Gift ... Easy Lemon Sugar Scrub

My new obsession is blog hops it's like Pinterest on over drive of ideas of things to do.  I have been hitting blogs pinning and commenting like a mad woman.  NOW if ONLY the people I comment on their blogs would come back here and comment ... but that complaint is for another day.

A few weeks back I found this Easy Lemon Sugar Scrub on The Benson Street's blog.  I have to say I LOVE LOVE people who include FREE printables and she did for this project.   This was a very simple thing to make and it made my friend smile which meant the world to me.  I initually saved this project to do as a Teacher Appreciation gift, but my amazing friend the other night took Caden home with her for the night!  This is his first time by himself over night and he was very excited.  He even went to church with them, he was very excited that their church sang and dance like ours ... lol.  That was a requirement of his for him to go ... hehe.

I wanted to give her a thank you for being so generous and taking him over night.  I just knew this would be perfect for her and when I gave it to her so was so excited and said she loves scrubs!  Score for me!!

What you Need:
  1. Olive Oil
  2. Sugar
  3. Lemon Essential Oil (this is great to get rid of kitchen smells on your hands too)
  4. Cute Mason Jars
Mix 2 cups of sugar with 1 cup of oil. Add lemon essential oil around 10 to 15 drops.  Just smell and adjust it to your liking.
Divide among mason jars. Print tag from her website (she would like you follow to print). Tie with ribbon or baker’s twine and a fun paper lid cover (fabric would also work).  
ALEXIS NOTE: I used a piece of yellow foam that I cut the size of the mason jar and done!  I used a yellow piece of paper behind the print out (larger circle). USE cardstock I didn't have any on hand so I printed on nice white paper and then cut a bigger circle and glued it onto it.  It was still very thin and Cole accidentally tore it by the time we handed it to her (thankfully I took a picture before ... lol)..  I was able to pick up everything I needed except the Essential Oil at the Dollar Tree.  Yes they had mini mason jars!!  I hit up GNC to find the Lemon Essential Oil.  I've gone to several stores when I was making the bath bombs, that you can only find these oils at certain stores. Fred Meyers had it for $9.99 but GNC and Super Supplements both had for $4.99 each. 

Hope you all have an amazing week!  Thanks for stopping by and commenting, it really means a lot and I promise it may take me a day or so but I'll be by and comment too.


  1. Thats why I don't do blog hops any longer. Most people do not comment back.

    Love the sugar scrub. Everytime we have sugar scrub in our house, my Hubs thinks he gets a sugar scrub. I made the mistake of giving him one and he loved it.

  2. You are such a thoughtful person, missy!

  3. What a sweet personalzied gift! I know a couple of lovlies that would truly enjoy this :)

  4. WOW! I am sooo happy you are making my Lemon Sugar Scrub. I love that you added the yellow foam under the tag. It is soo cute. I am glad you enjoyed the idea and found someone else who you could share it with!!!

    Emily @

  5. Now that is a really nice thank you gift. Sounds fairly easy to make too.

  6. I want to make that for me! I love lemon scrubs! This would be fun to make for my co-workers for Easter...we are trying to stay away from candy.

    Thanks for the idea sweetie! :)

  7. Now that is one awesome thank you gift. I had no idea scrubs were so easy to make!!

  8. This looks so refreshing!! I'm sure the recipient is enjoying it much! :)

  9. I have never made who would have known it was so easy?

    So you really CANT smell the olive oil? It's usually quite pungent.

  10. Ohhh! I'm going to have to make this for myself! :)

  11. Will vegetable oil work instead of olive oil

  12. Vegetable oil could be used I think Olive oil would be better for the skin. I've read other recipes calling for vegetable oil but to use LIGHT. Safflower, sunflower, or sweet almond are good substitutes also.

  13. April I didn't smell the olive oil, the lemon scent took over and smelled pretty darn yummy :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!