Thursday, June 6, 2013

Test Run of a Swim Suit

For many years now you wouldn't find me caught dead in a swimsuit.  There were several people that would always get on me to put one on and I never would.  I even had myself convinced I really didn't want to swim so why would I need one!  Then you have a really good friend say to you "You know if you felt good about your weight you'd be in one".  YUP that stung for sometime until I started my weight loss journey and knew she was very right.

We have a swim party planned for the boys and their classmates next Saturday but we just found out Rick's schedule has changed so our party has been moved up to this Saturday.  Which means I must get in a suit!  YIKES, I did find 2 really cute ones at Old Navy on clearance (who would have thunk that) for $9 each!!  So I now am braving a swimsuit, well that is with a cover up but still there is a suit on under there.  I'm moving my way there!  I probably will never post a pic of me in a bath-suit here, but I can do the cover up pic :).

So currently I'm down 103.2 lbs, I'm not going to make my goal of 113.8 by my birthday next Sunday but man I can't complain after a 15 months being were I am right now. ( I had to update Friday AM, I'm down 104lbs woo hoo!, 9.8lbs until goal)

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I am so proud of you . Keep up the good work.

  2. Look at you getting all curvy. You are doing a great job Alexis. I have no idea how you do it and bake all those goodies too. Congratulations!!

  3. You should be proud and wear that suit with pride - you've earned it. You look fantastic!

  4. Congrats on your progress! You look amazing. Such an inspiration.

  5. You look FANTASTIC. You may not make your goal this week, but it will come....I know it sucks to wait for it, but you know it's gonna happen. Be proud of your huge accomplishment.

  6. You look great and what a deal you found. Have fun at the party!

  7. You look amazing and beautiful. Awesome job. The hardest part about loosing weight is keeping with it and you have done so good. Have fun in the water this summer.

  8. Can I get WHOOP!WHOOP! You have an iron will to stick to your goals, all the while baking and cooking away!

  9. well done you, keep going, and a pic in a bathing suit too, better than I would do

  10. You look awesome Alexis! And I know how you feel about swimsuits. I haven't bought one since middle school. Rich's family tried to convince me I should get one last summer to swim and I told them I'd get a wet suit before a swimsuit. ;-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!