Wednesday, July 17, 2013

And the Party is a Wrap

The party was last Saturday and so much fun!  Poor little Caden was battling a sinus infection so he last about half the party and went up to my parents house and crashed out.  Well technically he lasted until the time I put on the invite but when at the lake we always do seem to go until the sun is going down.  

Opening Presents

Rick taking the kids Jetskiing

Bapa came out and pulled the kids on the float!
Bapa even "accidently" dropped Rick off the back when he was the flagger ... lol
OH yeah and they dropped the flag that is suppose to float let's just say it didn't

Birthday Boy posing!

We had a GREAT day! My bestie from college that moved away and I haven't seen in 4 years surprised me and showed up it was SO AWESOME to see her and her son.  It was the BEST day or Caden and me.

Now I'm pooped still have a few more post on the food to come next week and has been a busy week at work, hope to be by soon to say hi to everyone!

Have a great day!


  1. So sorry he wasn't feeling well on his special day. It looks like he had a grand time despite it.

  2. Looks like fun. Oh those nasty sinus infections to cut the fun in half(:

  3. Sounds like a super fun birthday! I'm sorry Caden wasn't feeling the best-I hope he's feeling better! :-)

  4. Bummer that he wasn't feeling so hot, but it still looks like he managed to have a good time!!

  5. It truly looks like a fun and special day! You can totally see your devotion to your kiddos by all you do for them...


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!