Thursday, July 11, 2013

The one where my baby turned 6!!!

It almost feels unreal that my little Caden turned 6 yesterday!  He is such a snuggle bug and a very kind spirit.  My mom says since I wanted a girl so bad I got this super kind little one.  I have one wild and crazy Cole and then Caden it is a great mix to have 2 totally different boys.  We are planning a big party on Saturday but I still wanted to do something special for his big day.  They had VBS in the morning and Wednesday nights is my Women's group and the kids youth group.  So after work I hit the kitchen and 2 hours later had a pretty cute cake he could bring to his group.  Now it is far from perfect and the cake was a little warm still so the frosting was melting a bit so it was a little hard to work with.  But so worth the smiles when we walked into group.

6 years old how time has flown by.  You are special little man and so smart.  You love to read and doing homework.  You take after your mom with a love to learn and grow I can't wait to see what is to come.  This year I'm sure will bring us so much more and we look forward to the ride!

Cake Recipe to come on Monday next week!

Have a GREAT day!


  1. Happy Birthday to Caden. So cute!!

    The cake is beautiful!

  2. I just love that he's a sweetheart of a little guy. Happy birthday to your darling man!

  3. That's a great photo.
    Happy Birthday to Caden

  4. Aww! What an adorable birthday boy you have there, Alexis!! HAPPY (belated) 6th Birthday to Caden!! What a cute cake for the sweet occasion!! :)

  5. Awww Happy Birthday sweet Caden! May God bless you always!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. Happy Birthday to Caden, and to you and your husband :)
    In my family we congratulate the parents first as they were the ones who received that special gift.

    He sure had a cute cake for the occasion :)

  7. What a sweet picture Caden!
    Happy Birthday.....

  8. He's such a sweet little guy! Cute picture! So glad he had such a nice birthday :-)

  9. Awww...happy birthday to your little man! He looks older than six! WOW! :)


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