Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Forgive me I couldn't resist ...

I don't watch the VMA's so I was totally clueless about the whole Miley Cyrus gone bad trying to do Micheal Jackson moves that only he could pull off or even at times was a bit much (don't hate me).  So I was totally in the dark when FB blew up about Miley and her performance.  So I did like anyone would do and Googled it, what the heck did I do before the internet?  I must say even I was a little put off and shocked by it.  Next thing you know she'll be shaving her head like Brittany ... (oh I know I couldn't resist).   Poor thing I really do feel bad for her.  It makes me sad to see the youth in the audience eating it up and clapping, they did pan onto some of the other performers that had the same look as me.  

Thought you all could use a laugh today and sorry if I offend anyone.

Funny Flirting Ecard: Just wanted you to know I'm dirtier than a former Disney Channel star.

Back to our normal programming tomorrow 
as you can tell I'm burnt out and have nothing to give .. lol


  1. I didn't watch it, but saw the Miley incident Monday morning after the fact. The thing is, I saw an interview with her yesterday and she thinks everyone loved what she did - that girl is clueless.

  2. I happened to have stopped on the VMA's as I was channel surfing. I saw it and it was trashy and so unclassy. I love the song Blurred Lines and am not sure I will ever think the same of it either. My opinion is Miley got just what she wanted from it..........attention! I

  3. I had to Google it too! It is so sad. My dad was asking me about her today and it's the same old story. Too much too soon and never really having the proper family life to teach you right from wrong. I feel really bad for her too.

  4. LOL.... No offense taken. So many kids that make it big, end up doing some really stupid, crazy things.

  5. I saw all the buzz on FB too...I guess cause we are on the West Coast. I had to google it too and couldn't believe her! Sad that she thought that would be a good idea! I guess if you want attention she knows what to do! Yuk!

  6. She definitely got the attention she wanted! I didn't watch the VMAs but watched the clip of her after hearing so much buzz about it. I'm all for free expression and am open-minded about most things but she went above and beyond on the shock factor. I foresee a suicide or drug overdose in the headlines soon.

  7. I think what is happening to Miley is very sad!

  8. O.K I forgive you lol, I did my homework too because I don't think I've watch any VMA since the 80's! So I Googled (yeah I know) and wasn't as horrified as they made it up to be on FB. Yes she looked like a total "lizard" in the worst way possible! in my humble opinion only Gene Simmons can pull off the tongue thing, the "band aid" color outfit, maybe if she had Jlo's body it could have been shocking and sexy but she is more a stick figure type so nothing there, and her touching and raunchy moves, the girl needs to take a tour to some gentlemen clubs because those professional dancers have more class than she does. MJ grabbed his crotch more times than she did in The Way You make Me Feel video (yeah I went back and counted) but He had one thing She doesn't have...TALENT! So if feel sorry for her (and the rubber finger) because without Talent you don't go anywhere in life no matter how shocking you think you are. Oh, and the poor guy she was singing with(or attempting to) she ruined his performance and labeled it as one of the most pathetic acts on tv. Love you girl, now let's not Googled anything anymore ok? hahahaha!

  9. hahaha, I had to 'talk' about Miley and her ridiculous antics too. As parents, I think we have to know what's going on. I didn't watch the VMA's, nor did my girls, but I know with all the attention, they've seen it by now. It was ridiculous, and not in the least bit entertaining. I think she was looking for a huge shock factor, but it just made her look pathetic. It worked for Madonna back in the day, and Lady GaGa has had her moments...but Miley has a lot to learn. And probably needs rehab!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!