Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Leaving on a bus ... Camp Stache

Monday AM I got the boys up early, we dropped Caden off at the boys and girls club and went to meet up the youth group at church.  Cole is so excited this is the 2nd year he gets to go to the Kidz Camp with our youth group at church.  They leave on Monday and don't return until Friday!

We were so blessed this year was a tight year and they gave him a scholarship so I was able to pay a reduced rate.  Monday I dropped him off at the church, were we registered and he left on a bus with all the kids.  This year it's called Camp Stache so all the kids got mustache's!  He received his care package yesterday, I'm so excited to hear all about camp and if the package was a hit.  More to come I'm sure!


  1. I'm not sure if I fully understand this whole mustache craze that seems to be taking over lately, but he looks cute sporting it.

  2. I hope he had a wonderful time. Looks like so much fun! Nice little break for mom too.

  3. He looks so happy to be leaving... I wonder how long it took for him to get homesick.


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