Sunday, September 1, 2013

First Comes the Wedding ... Family Movie Night Basket

Rick's boss got married a few weeks back and we had the chance to get dressed up and go out.  My dad picked the boys up from the boys and girls club, while we hit the town.  Well a wedding in a very cool barn!  As most of you know me by now I hate to show up with just a normal store bought gift.  I love to come with something special that shows a personal touch.

So often to my Pinterest Board Personal Touch Gift, I had this Movie Lover's Gift Set from Everyday Mom Ideas.  I thought this would be perfect to do a Family Movie Night Basket for the Bride and Groom.  They had both been married before with kids and just knew this would be a great gift for the whole family!  The link above only had a picture for the idea so I took that and ran with it!

What you Need:
Large Popcorn Bin (Dollar Tree $1)
Tissue Paper (Dollar Tree $1)
Special Flavored Popcorn (Ross $2.99 Each)
Candy (Dollar Tree $1 Each)
Spaghetti Sauce (Target Sale $1)
Spaghetti Noodle's (Target Sale $1)
Movie (Target Sale $9 - Walmart has a GREAT $5 Bin too)

Gift Basket done under $25, with a GREAT personal touch!

Arrange all the items in the large popcorn basket.  I put a little tissue paper in the bottom to make things sit nicely in there.  Once I had it an order I liked I put it in a large clear gift basket bag.  I added a ribbon and it was done!  I loved how it came out and it fit so great with their down home country feel of a wedding.  

I sure hope they have a great family night with this, I so would love one (hint hint) for any upcoming holiday ... lol

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. What a great family gift for Christmas. We have several families we like to get gifts for and this is perfect. Thanks for the idea girl!

    1. I was thinking the same thing Tammy! Cheap but really fun and everyone loves a good movie night :)

  2. What a great idea. These are a lot of the things we brought with us to the drive in.

  3. That was a great gift. I bet they will enjoy it!

    1. I sure hope so, haven't heard anything. They aren't my friends and Rick gives me the blank stare when I ask about it. lol

  4. Great movie night basket! I have the same popcorn bucket! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!!

  5. I did a movie night basket for all our kids one time. They loved it.

  6. Great idea! =)
    Stopping by from "Brag about it Tuesday"!

  7. Hi Alexis! Stopping by from Diana Rambles Pin Me Linky party. I love making gift baskets to give during Christmas. This one is such a good idea and is definitely on the whole family can enjoy. I've pinned and already have a family in mind that I want to make this for!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!