Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Then Comes Baby's 1st Birthday .... Onesie Ice Cream Milkshake Gift

A friend from high school little girl was having her first birthday.  You know me I hate bringing some generic gift especially when they are so little they don't really need a room full of toys but they do need clothes. But how boring is it to just wrap up clothes.  So on the Google search I went.  I came across several different ideas but I love the of something playful.  I saw a Ice Cream tutorial on Create it. Go!  I thought why not take this idea and then make it a Milkshake instead of ice cream (partly because I found cute cups and had to do some quick thinking).

What You Need:
Onesie's (3 pack at Walmart $6.97)
Milkshake Cups (4 Pack at Walmart Clearance $1)
Straws (50 Pack at Walmart $2.97)
Tissue Paper (Dollar Tree $1) - Could use Tule
Toothpick w/ Jewel (Walmart 12 pack $2.97 Clearance)

  • Take your onesie and fold it in half long ways (I bought prints so they would show either way I folded).  
  • Then fold it in half a 2nd time long ways (see picture below for step by step).  Start rolling the toothpick into the onesie (I accidentally skipped this step and put in the end it still worked).  
  • As you continue to roll the onesie, layer the rolls, so that you can see each layer and so that the onesie, starts to get taller. (Make it look like a rose bud, at least that is what I thought). I tied the onsie with a ribbon, found it was easier and if they fell out then it was easy to fix (and yes I got lost going to the place and had to do several U-turns and let's just say it wasn't pretty when I grabbed the basket out of the back of car, so I had to repair).  
  • You can use a square piece of tulle or do like I did I stuffed the cup first with the tissue paper then when it was the right height to put the onsie in and still have it peak out over the top, I wrapped in tissue paper. I just kind of fluffed it around to look like a foam of a fancy root beer float ... Yes I have a great imagination.  
  • Pop the onsie roll into the cup, make sure it is sticking up so they see the rose bud of the onsie and the jeweled toothpick (like the Cherry on top).  
  • I added a  straw to top off the Milkshake theme.  I did 3 of them in blue and 3 in red (they were having a red, white and blue themed party).  
  • I added this to a plastic basket with red, white and blue tissue paper.

This turned out so cute I must say I was pretty darn impressed with myself.  It was a special gift that wasn't too expensive to do.  I may have to even give this a shot for another 1st birthday ... hmmm I may have a PG friend that could use this when she has a 1 year old!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. Love, love, love this idea! Will have to try a hand at it sometime.

  2. I love that idea!! I really thought the first picture was a shake or something. Very clever.

  3. This is just the cutest idea!!! I had to pin it on pinterest! I will definitely make this the next time I go to a baby shower.Thank you. You are so creative!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. Adorable! I haven't seen this one before! Definitely need to remember for a future gift :)

  5. Such a cute idea! I love it! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!


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