Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quick trip to Boston ... First Time Meeting my Co Worker Family

As many of you know I've been working for an amazing company for close to 7 years.  I'm going on 4 years of working full time at home from them.  I live in Washington and work for a company in Massachusetts.  The time difference allows me to get up early and do their calls and get off early my time to take care of the kids.  The 3 hours really is what keeps my world working as I found out being over there in their time zone.

My bosses are truly amazing people they are those people you only hear about that worked very hard to create a business and went from very little to a very successful life.  They give back to so many and create such a great environment to work.  This was the first time I was able to go and meet them and my co workers in person!  We had a HUGE event of 300+ people last Saturday so all week was busy to make sure it was set up correctly.

I had the amazing opportunity to stay at their house.  I know most people asked me this is the first time your meeting them and you'll be staying at their house?  It's funny but really just a God thing that these people were sent into my life and I feel like they are family.  I know if they or I ever needed anything we would be there for each other.

Let me just say I felt like a princesses!  I had my own room with a view over looking the water and their pool.  I had my own bathroom too!  3 boys and 1 mom share at my house this is a BIG thing.
Before I left this is what I left for Rick ...
LOL our daily schedule for the kids

My packing list:
Yes I mapped out my outfits daily ... lol

My Amazing Room!

My first day I flew in very early in the AM.  I really wanted to sleep on the drive from the Boston Airport to their house in Rhode Island but my VERY kind driver of the town car was a talker ... LOL.  He use to play football for the NY Giants in the 70's.  The drive was beautiful and really was nice.  I got there and got a chance to give my bosses a hug and chit chat a little before to work we went!

My second day I got up early around 6am / 3am my time and made it down around 7am to get some work going.  I MUST say the had the most amazing bed ever I so want that mattress!!  We worked a little while then off to Boston to meet my co workers and do a surprise baby shower for one of our VP's in the office.  We even went to the Apple store to look at a new iPhone for me.  I'm so excited I'm getting a 5S it should be here soon!

Me meeting my Co-Workers for the first time!!

The Baby shower!
I made a Baby Bath Tub Diaper Cake the night before.
Thanks to my boss and her extra hands it came together.
SEE how the girls at one table and boys at the other ... lol

The next 2 days were packed with work getting ready for the HUGE event.  Usually we do events around 80 to 100 people.  This one had 4 guest speakers and turned out to be over 300+ people who showed.  We had two Patriot Cheerleaders, a photographer, a videographer and at the end of the event one of the guest speakers busted out his guitar and sang us a few songs.  Of course me and Teri from the office had to dance and shake our groove thangs!!  I have never laughed so hard in my whole life!

Here are a few shots from the Expo we held:

Top left is us getting ready at the house yes 4 laptops are going!
2nd is my work station at event
3rd the photographers area
4th my boss dressed up like a blue's brother
The event was over and we all had fun with pictures!!

While I was there I had some amazing food.
I had the scallops and couscous 3 nights in a row!!
It came from a coffee house in my bosses development and was so YUMMY!

My room view!
My roommate boggie!
Their amazing house upclose
Their beautiful driveway

Here are a few fun shots the photographer took:

My Boss and the Guest speaker having fun!!!
The Blues Brothers!!!

Teri and Me

Stephanie and me

Micha and Me
Isn't her baby bump TOO cute!!!

My Boss Kelly, Little William and Me

I worked hard but had the most amazing time being away and just enjoyed time with their family.  They have the best children.  Their oldest daughter just blows me away how focused and determined she is.  She goes to a Catholic school that goes to school 6 days a week!  She was up almost every night to almost midnight studying.  She just blows me away!  Their youngest son kept me laughing every minute!  I truly miss them and the time I had there.  It was very sad to leave and I hope to visit again soon.


  1. It's amazing that you work for such great people and finally got to meet them. Looks like you had a good time!

    1. I have been blessed beyond belief. God had a great plan I never even imagined!

  2. Sounds like you had a whirlwind of a trip!! Next time, take a few extra days so you can visit your bloggy buddies. Where you stayed was only about a half hour from where I live.

    1. Next time sweetie I will make sure I can make a lunch date. I so wanted to meet you!!!

  3. I know they have been a tremendous support system for you and I am also glad you had such a wonderful trip.

  4. I know that your bosses have been so amazing and wonderful to you. How awesome that you got to stay at their home and also meet other employees. Sounds like a perfect getaway for you. Glad it all worked out.

    1. It worked out so awesome I couldn't believe how smooth it worked.

  5. Your employer sounds fantastic. I am so happy for you. What an amazing trip.

  6. So good to hear you had such a nice time!! Sounds like some amazing people that you work for!! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!