Thursday, October 24, 2013

Weekend to Finish the Costume

I had such good intentions of getting the boys costumes done a few weeks ago, but a trip to Boston and work well let's just say it didn't happen.  Well this project that I started on sounded like such an easy thing.  As most of the projects that I go in with that attitude it turns out to be a lot of work.  BUT since I already bought all the items and to come to find out that this costume is costing me about $40 (or a little more) per kid ... lol it may not have been my best idea!  BUT at least it hopefully will be a lot cooler then a drug store one I would pick up.

Thanks to an amazing new friend (well not knew in the since of I haven't been talking to her for years over blogs), but new in real life.  Stacy over at Stacy Uncorked was so very kind and came to my house at 7p last night to help me sew these costumes.  

Bless her, we had our new Hip Hop Class for the boys at the YMCA,then Cole's tutor was at the house until 7p.  I got to work cutting out the fabric and making the top part of the costume.  Mind you I'm not a person who sew's, so I mis-read the directions on how to make the top and had a little bit of a emotional break down.  Between Stacy and my husband Rick I think it is coming together rather nicely!

So my weekend will be fixing and completing our Minion's.  One yellow and one purple! Wish me luck!

I may have sprayed my hand and even burned a finger .. ugh

Minion coming together

Stacy Sewing

Pants coming together.
Needs the overall straps and the Logo

Have a great weekend!


  1. They are gonna be awesome when they're all done. I can't wait to see them.

  2. I'm sure they will be fantastic. The boys will be adorable!

  3. That's why I bought my son's at Target, lol. I'm sure the costumes will look fabulous, everything always does!

  4. Can't wait to see them and that was so nice of Stacy to come over and help you!

  5. I know it is going to turn out great and can't wait to see it.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!