Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Been one of those days ...

It's been crazy busy at work and after work I've been running around.  Plus I've been so tired lately, not sure what is going on with me.  I find myself avoid my Zumba class, which is not good.  I have been attending the YMCA and working out doing 5 days or more a week.  BUT I know my Zumba class is so good and the best way to loose weight.  I need to get my butt motivated to go back.

Thought I'd share a funny with you all!
Funny Friendship Ecard: Please give me an excuse to avoid the gym today.

My next gift  basket will be up Thursday ran out of time today.


  1. My zumba instructor got sick and is out indefinitely, so I have had no choice but to change up my workout routine. It sucks.

  2. Gee, I seem to find a good excuse everyday....isn't that sad :( You are doing such an amazing job, it's okay to take a break.

  3. I think it's the time change! I feel so groggy too. I was suppose to run tonight but have to purchase a running rain coat so I can actually get out in the wet stuff. I just didn't want to do wet and dark both. Luckily Scott will run with me this weekend so I will try and make up tonight.

  4. I hope tomorrow is a really good day for you!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!